the GNU Parted Manual

GNU Parted, version 1.6.1, 13 May 2002

Andrew Clausen [email protected]">[email protected]
Richard M. Kreuter [email protected]">[email protected]


Everyone seems to have a different word for "disk label" -- these are all the same thing: partition table, partition map. Also, the Master Boot Record on x86 machines is stored in the same sector as Partition Tables (you don't need to know this to use Parted).


If Parted supported moving the start of ext2 partitions (like it does with FAT partitions), then it would be trivial:

(parted) resize 6 3545.6 6200
(parted) resize 7 6200 7326.5

This document was generated on 23 June 2002 using texi2html 1.56k.