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maverik - Virtual reality micro kernel

Maverik supports 3D environments and interactions with those environments. It uses Mesa or Open GL to perform low-level rendering, but can do much more on top of that. It is, however, a developers toolkit/framework; it is not designed as an end user application.

The system is open-ended in how its representation of different models. It uses call back functions, rather than importing and converting data to its own formats; this means it can be adapted relatively easily to widely differing application data structures without forcing particular representations on the implementor.

For example, if you have a sim in which different parts of your model are varying dynamically but in ways that cannot be represented using the normal affine transformations (eg deformable objects), then Maverik lets you use the dynamically changing data directly to generate images.

It also contains support for a variety of 3D input designs, and various kinds of displays (including stereo).


Web page
Source tarball
Source information
Version 6.2 (stable) released on 2002-04-29
Licensed under The GNU General Public License, Version 2.
This is a GNU package.

User manual included; User tutorial included; User demonstrations available from; User FAQ available in HTML format from
Support contacts

Help List<[email protected]>
Developer List<[email protected]>
Bug List<[email protected]>

Project contacts

  • See documentation for list of contributors
  • UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Related information

Source languagesC
Use requirementsMesa, OpenGL

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <[email protected]> on 2001-01-31
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <[email protected]>


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