FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory

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Top > Network Applications > Tools
Active Spam Killer - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-06-30
Spam filter
ANK_djbdns - [a simple permissive license (no non-warranty claus] - 2004-05-27
Web interface for 'djbdns'
Aria - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-05-07
Download tool with GUI that can pause, resume, and queue downloads
Autossh - [a simple permissive license (no non-warranty claus] - 2004-02-21
Monitors and automatically reestablishes SSH connections
AxisLinks - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-02-02
Bookmark manager
b. - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-04-09
Bookmark manager
Balance - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-06-15
TCP proxy
BannerKiller - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-05-07
Page filtering Web proxy
BioMail - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2001-12-06
Biomedical literature alert tool
BIRD - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-07-15
Dynamic routing daemon
BitTorrent - [an X11-style license] - 2004-05-17
Tool for copying files
bk_edit - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-01
Bookmark editor
Bookmark4U - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-12-31
Bookmark manager
Bookmarker - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-02-06
Bookmark manager
BW whois - [Perl] - 2003-08-04
Whois client with both command line and Web interfaces
c-nocem - [PublicDomain] - 2001-12-20
Applies NoCeM actions on the local news spool
Checkaliases - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-07-16
Reads and monitors a sendmail alias file
Checkurls - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-05-05
Checks to see if a file at a specified URL has been changed
cronolog - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-04-17
Web log rotation program
CTC - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-05-08
Daemon that prevents ads from downloading
cURL - [an X11-style license] - 2004-06-02
Gets files using URL syntax
Darkstat - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-06-21
Network statistics gatherer
DataparkSearch - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-20
Web search engine
Dnstracer - [a 2-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-07-08
Traces DNS information
Drall - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-30
Allows remote access to files without telnet or FTP
ECNCheck - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-03-03
Tests for ECN support and RFC-violating refusal
EPICS - [EPICS License] - 2004-05-13
Distributed Process Control Tool Kit Components
Ethereal - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-08
Network protocol analyzer
Fake - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-01-14
Activates backup servers on a LAN
Fast File Search - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-21
Crawls FTP servers and SMB shares and stores the information it finds to a database
Firehose - [LGPL] - 2003-02-11
Strings together devices to achieve very high speed data transfers
G-Kermit - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-02-09
File transfer program
Gbiff2 - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-02-09
Displays headers when new mail has arrived
Getleft - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-08
Downloads all links from a particular URL
gFTP - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-03-29
Multithreaded FTP client
Gip - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-19
Makes IP address-based calculations
Give/Take - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-05-19
Filesharing application
Gnobog - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-02-19
Bookmark organizer
Gnome Workstation Command Center - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-04-19
GUI interface to the command line
Gnuml - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-07-18
Backend to manage mailing lists and email archives
GNUnet - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-05-10
Anonymous peer-to-peer file-sharing
GPuTTY - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-30
PuTTY clone for Gnome
Gsmbscanner - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-04-15
NetBIOS scanner program
Gspoof - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-02-09
Facilitates building and sending TCP packets
HAproxy - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-08
TCP/HTTP load balancer
hindent - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2001-11-13
HTML formatter
Hldfilter - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-04-12
E-mail filter
Httptunnel - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-07-16
Creates a data path in HTTP requests
icpld - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-06-28
Sends ICMP requests to IP addresses and monitors the connection
Ifmail-tx - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-05-12
Fidonet transport and gateway
Inferno - [Vita Nuova Liberal Source Lice] - 2004-05-13
OS and development environment for distributed and networked systems
Internet Junkbuster - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2001-03-09
Blocks unwanted banner ads and cookies
ipsvd - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-07-20
Set of Internet protocol service daemons
jCIFS - [LGPL2.1orlater] - 2004-06-08
SMB client library written in Java
Jungle Monkey - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-05-16
Distributed file sharing program
jwhois - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-11-24
Internet whois client
Knettools - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-02-24
Network testing tools
Larbin - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-07-16
Web crawler
Lftp - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-14
FTP client
Libcisco - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-07-31
Automates configuration management for Cisco network equipment
Libcurl - [an X11-style license] - 2004-06-02
Multiprotocol file transfer library
Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-05-17
Helps network admins control bandwidth
Looking Glass - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-06-15
A looking glass written as a CGI script
lufs - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-10-31
Userspace filesystem framework
Mail2chart - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-02-26
Generates statistical charts from e-mail
Mail2clf - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-01-08
Generates a CLF file from email
mail2thread - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2001-01-08
Finds and outputs mail threads
Maildrop - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-03-11
Email filter and delivery agent
Mars - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-03-23
Network status monitor
Mibble - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-05-27
SNMP MIB file parser library
Minorfish - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2001-09-21
Simple list manager
Mirmon - [an X11-style license] - 2003-08-25
Monitors mirrors
Mkautosmb - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-05-17
Makes the local SMB network browsable
MLdonkey - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-05-03
Multi-network file sharing client
mynetmonitor - [GPL] - 2004-02-07
Mynetmonitor is a gtk2 net monitor with system
net-check - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-11-04
Monitors Internet connectivity
Net-snmp - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-03-23
Tools and libraries for the Simple Network Management Protocol
Net::Telnet::Cisco - [Perl] - 2002-08-01
Automates Cisco management with Perl
netdude - [an X11-style license] - 2004-04-20
Inspects and manipulates tcpdump tracefiles
NetMess - [PublicDomain] - 2001-11-21
File sharing system
netrw - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-19
Transports data over the Internet
Nget - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-18
Command line NNTP file grabber
NoSpam - [GPL] - 2003-10-14
Content-based spam filter
ntop - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-03-23
Network traffic usage monitor
online-bookmarks - [GPL] - 2004-07-16
Stores bookmarks, favorites, and links on the Web
OpenFTS - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-01-26
Search engine
pdnsd - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-05-12
Proxy DNS server
PerlBoard - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-01-27
Threaded messageboard system
PHPFileExchange - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-05-08
Web-based file exchange system
PhpIPManagement - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-03-10
Tool for managing IP addresses
pmacct - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-14
Gathers IP traffic information
ppplog - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-03-06
Keeps track of PPP online sessions
Proxy Load Balance - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-06-20
Balances incoming connections
ProZilla - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-09-15
Download accelerator
pseudo-cron - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-18
Lets users run cron jobs on a Website without shell access
PycURL - [LGPL] - 2004-06-03
Python interface to the cURL library
RabbIT - [a 3-clause BSD-style license] - 2004-06-22
Speeds up surfing over slow links
RearSite - [PublicDomain] - 2002-02-21
Lets you manage files from a Web interface
Rocks - [LGPL] - 2003-05-01
Protects sockets-based applications from network failures
SendIP - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-08-04
Sends arbitrary IP packets
SFT - [GPL] - 2004-07-01
File transfer program
SiteBar - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-21
Bookmark server for personal and team use
SNMPTT - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-04-14
SNMP trap handler for use with Net-SNMP snmptrapd
Socat - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-22
Relay for bidirectional data transfer
Socketpipe - [an X11-style license] - 2004-04-01
Connects the input/output of a remote process with local programs
Spam Assassin - [Perl] - 2004-01-20
Tests mail headers and body texts to detect spam
Spaminator - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-06-24
Web interface for sendmail's anti-spam functionality
SPINdex - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-07-25
Site searching tool
Spinner - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-02-18
Keeps telnet and ssh links from dropping
Splonk - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-05-20
Spam eliminator
sredird - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-03-22
Lets you share a serial port throughout a network
SwiftSurf - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-03-07
HTTP proxy
TclCurl - [BSD_AdClause] - 2004-07-13
Binding library for libcurl
Tcpreplay - [BSDAdClause] - 2004-06-21
Lets users replay captured network traffic
The Anomy Sanitizer - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-02-15
Blocks e-mail based security risks
TightVNC - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-06-02
Enhanced version of VNC
TinyDYN - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-03-31
Client and server software for dynamic DNS services
TwoFTPd - [GPL] - 2003-03-06
FTP server
Unix2tcp - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2003-12-16
Connection forwarder
vnstat - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2004-06-08
Network traffic monitor that uses the /proc filesystem to get information
w3m - [an X11-style license] - 2004-04-29
Text mode browser
WebDialer - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2] - 2002-07-30
Configures and starts/stops connections from a browser
Wget4web - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2002-11-25
Monitors download information through a browser
Whatmask - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-01-29
Helps manipulate network settings
XDM-Choose - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2003-04-23
Replacement chooser for XDM
xMule - [The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later] - 2004-07-23
Fork of the eMule P2P file sharing client

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