Top > Network Applications > Tools > The Anomy Sanitizer

The Anomy Sanitizer - Blocks e-mail based security risks

The Anomy mail sanitizer is a filter designed to block email-based security risks, such as trojans and viruses. It can scan an arbitrarily complex RFC822 or MIME message and remove or rename attachments, truncate unusually long MIME header fields and sanitize HTML by disabling Javascript, etc. It uses a single-pass pure Perl MIME parser, which is more efficient and precise than similar programs. It also has built-in support for third-party virus scanners.

The sanitizer realizes that just because a message contains an infected attachment doesn't mean that the rest of it shouldn't be delivered. Anomy tries to interrupt the normal flow of communication as little as possible, and inform the user of any changes that are made.


Web page
Source tarball
Source information
Version 1.49 (stable) released on 2002-02-15
Licensed under The GNU General Public License, Version 2.
This is not a GNU package.


User manual available in HTML format from
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SupportPaid technical support available from FRISK International at <[email protected]>

Project contacts

  • FRISK Software International

Related information

Source languagesPerl
Use requirementsPerl 5.005_003 (or later) with MIME::Base64, MIME::QuotedPrint modules
Weak prerequisitesprocmail

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <[email protected]> on 2002-02-22
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <[email protected]>


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