
 [colorful rounded image of the Head of a GNU]

	original: Kumbaya

	filked information
	version: 1.0 Virre Annergård
	I listned to some music as I was waiting for the lift up time
	for Swedens first astronaut. First I filked a Swedish text,
	then this come and GNUbaya is just to much there.

	This text was enterd using GNU emacs
	No people or animals was hurt in makeing this song
	and only GNU software was used


GNUmbaya my system GNUbaya 
GNUmbaya my system GNUbaya
GNUmbaya my system GNUbaya
oh system GNUbaya

someone codeing system, GNUbaya
someone codeing system, GNUbaya
someone codeing system, GNUbaya
oh system GNUbaya

GNUmbaya my system GNUbaya
GNUmbaya my system GNUbaya
GNUmbaya my system GNUbaya
oh system GNUbaya

someones surfing system, GNUbaya 
someones surfing system, GNUbaya
someones surfing system, GNUbaya
oh system GNUbaya

GNUbaya my system GNUbaya
GNUbaya my system GNUbaya
GNUbaya my system GNUbaya
oh system  GNUbaya


		Walk on the Free Side
	original: Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed
        filk information:
	ver: 1.0 Virre Annergård

	So this one is quite easy todo acctualy. Oh and we got space
	lift up as I was creating this.


Holly lives in Miami, FLA
Surfed through the net
Plucked his system free 
installed GNU\Linux
then he was free

she said hey babe
take a walk on the free side
said hey honey
take a walk on the free side

Candy came from out on the island
in the chatroom she was everybodys darling
but she never lost connect even when she was shareing connect

she says hey babe
take a walk on the free side
said hey babe
take a walk on the free side

and the soundcard goes:

Litle Joe never once buyed
every software at no cost
a GNU there a GNU here
New York city is the place
where they say:

Hey babe 
take a walk on the free side
Hey you
take  a walk on the free side

Sugarpump fariy
came and hit FTP
looking for 
GNU\Linux and GCC
went to 
should see him 
compile and compile

They said hey sugar
take a walk on the free side
I said hey sugar
take a walk on the free side

Jackie is just hacking away
Knows she's good 
thought she was Turing for a day
slashdot would have helped that crash

Said hey babe
take a walk on the free side
said hey honey
take a walk on the free side



Hackers lär av historien - Hackers learn by History
Orginal: Lär av historien by Knutna Nävar
ver: 0.1 Virre Annergård

First a swedish text than followed with a bad translation to English.
The original is a really horrible communist text that among other
things says that Stalin was good. I do not agree to this, quite the
opposite. Some other notes, I'm certanly not good enough to call
myself a hacker but I might have put some text that would imply that.
Also this is made jokeingly, I saw "Revolution OS" where RMS made
that in the 60's political movments splits everybody get freaking mad
at each other but the Free Software against Open Source conflict is
only about philosofy and words, both sides can and do work together. (Mind
you the way Linus seemed to use his kids when RMS got the price named
after Linus (and RMS mentioned the strangeness of that) seemed quite
that way of acting, but I guess that was unintentional). 

Ah well have share and enjoy!

(oh and fix, language and propagate in a GNU way)


1996 svepte en våg av fri mjukvara över nätet
hackers och andra gick spontant i kamp för
friare mjukvara, bättre mjukvarulicenser
detta blottade bristerna i frimjukvaru rörelsen
många i ledande ställning ville tona ner propagandan 
för en fullständig förändring till fri mjukvara
de förla för det spontanta, de omedvetna i hackers kamp
Frimjukvaru rörelsen splitrades i en 
komersiel och en revulotionär del
i FSF där F står för Frihet inser man att det är hackers uppgift
att lyfta, förändra den omedvetna och spontana kampen
till en medveten organiserad kamp för den helt fria mjukvaran
Inom FSF ses inte splitringen som något dåligt i sig själv
tvärtom splitringen var bra och nödvändig för att ena hackers
på en frihetlig grund, precis som 8086-arkitekturen stärktes under Torvalds 
precis som AI-labbet stärktes under RMS genom kampen mot Frihetsmotståndare
precis så kommer dagens nätbaserad frihetsrörelse stärkas genom kampen
mot det komersiella inflytandet

ref: Det lär oss, lär oss, det lär oss historien *3

Därför har vi skrivit den här sången
När frihetskampen flammade upp
Och ropet vild spridning spontant bröt fram
började delar av rörelsens ledning att vackla
och kakla om företags vänligare licenser likt yra höns
skrivbordshackers blir rädda då frihetskampen skärps


Vi läste Knuth och  RMS 
och angrep komersialisternas reformism
vi valde den skoningslösa kampens väg
och enhet på hacker etikens grund
vi handlade som hackers ska handla
då frihetskampen skärps


Nu sedan vi gjort oss kvitt
småkommersialisterna som skriver Open Source 
kan hackers börja bygga rörelsen
som är deras historiska uppgift och plikt
småkomersialister och reformister kan 
aldrig bygga rörelsen


splitringen var en bra sak
vi rensade bort de som hindrade
rörelsens icke-komersiella utveckling
vi står starkare idag en någonsin förr
rörelsen stärks av kampen emot frihetsavikelser



1996 a wave of free software propagated the net
hackers and others spontnously struggled for
freer software and better software licenses
this showed the bugs in the freesoftware moment
many in leading positions wanted to tune down the propagande
for a full convertion to free software
they gave up the spontane, the unconsious in the hacker struggle
The freesoftware movemt forked in one
small commercial and one revulotionary part
In the FSF where F stands for Freedom it's known that it's the hackers
object to lift and change the unknowing and spontanous struggle
to an counsious and knowing struggle for totaly free software
In the FSF the fork is not seen as something bad in it self
all the diffrent the fork was good and needed to unite hackers
on a base of freedom, just as the 8086 base get strength under Torvalds,
just as AI-labbet stärktes under RMS in the struggle against Freedom
haters, just so will the netbased freedom movemt get strength from the
struggle against the commercial influence

ref:That we learn, we learn, that we learn from history *3

Thats why we wrote this song
When the freedom struggle started
and the scream wild propagation spontanosly came front
parts of the movements lead started to fall
and talk about more comapny friendly licenses
deskhackers become afraid when the freedome fight sharpes


We read Knuth and RMS
and attacked the comercialists reformism
we choiced the unnerving struggles way
and unity on the hacker ethics base
we acted as hackers should act when 
the struggle for freedome sharps


Now as we become free from
the small comercialists that writes Open Source
hackers can start to build the movement
that is their historic object and [plict]
small comercialists and reformists can
never build the movment


the fork was something good
we get away of those that hindred
the movments non-comercial development
we stands stronger today than ever before
the movment is strengted by the struggle against 
fails from freedom

The above filks humor was submitted by Gud.

Other humor in the GNU Humor Collection.


The joke on this page was obtained from the FSF's email archives of the GNU Project.
The Free Software Foundation claims no copyrights on this joke.

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Updated: $Date: 2007/02/16 10:31:26 $ $Author: ramprasadb $