Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 23:45:42 -0500 From: "Harley D. Eades III" To: [email protected] Subject: Tribute to freedom. Hello, One late rainy night I had an idea. There is a hill on IL route 29 in Peoria IL, that people climb and write a small message across this hill for everyone to view from a far. What would be better than spreading my two most favorite words across this hill. So we set out with a little over 200 garbage bags and nearly 400 nails. 12:30am and rainy so you can figure that a hill of that size is going to be slippery (lol) nearly falling down hill with every stepp we start building each letter. At around 2:30am we have finished and now the sun will rise over a hill which spreads the words Free Software to every person that passes by. This is by far a vary small non-complex hack but I beleve it is a hack in it self. This is a tribute to Free Software [and the GNU Project]. Happy Hacking Harley D. Eades III FSF Associate Member Hacker
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Updated: $Date: 2006/05/07 07:10:36 $ $Author: ramprasadb $