Translations of this page.
From: The Unknown UserSubject: EMACS -- What does it mean? To: [email protected] EMACS belongs in : Editor too big! Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift -------- From: harvard!topaz!BLUE!BRAIL@mit-eddie Date: 9 Sep 85 17:25:27 EDT Subject: EMACS -- What does it mean? To: [email protected] EMACS may stand for "Editing MACroS," but some friends of mine suggested some more creative definitions. Here they are. Anyone have any additions? -------- Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping Even a Master of Arts Comes Simpler Emacs Manuals Are Cryptic and Surreal Energetic Merchants Always Cultivate Sales Each Manual's Audience is Completely Stupified Emacs Means A Crappy Screen Eventually Munches All Computer Storage Even My Aunt Crashes the System Eradication of Memory Accomplished with Complete Simplicity Elsewhere Maybe Alternative Civilizations Survive Egregious Managers Actively Court Stallman Esoteric Malleability Always Considered Silly Emacs Manuals Always Cause Senility Easily Maintained with the Assistance of Chemical Solutions EMACS MACRO ACTED CREDO SODOM Edwardian Manifestation of All Colonial Sins Generally Not Used Except by Middle Aged Computer Scientists Extended Macros Are Considered Superfluous Every Mode Accelerates Creation of Software Elsewhere Maybe All Commands are Simple Emacs May Allow Customized Screwups Excellent Manuals Are Clearly Suppressed Emetic Macros Assault Core and Segmentation Embarrassed Manual-Writer Accused of Communist Subversion Extensibility and Modifiability Aggravate Confirmed Simpletons Emacs May Annihilate Command Structures Easily Mangles, Aborts, Crashes and Stupifies Extraneous Macros And Commands Stink Exceptionally Mediocre Algorithm for Computer Scientists EMACS Makes no Allowances Considering its Stiff price Equine Mammals Are Considerably Smaller Embarrassingly Mundane Advertising Cuts Sales Every Moron Assumes CCA is Superior Exceptionally Mediocre Autocratic Control System EMACS May Alienate Clients and Supporters Excavating Mayan Architecture Comes Simpler Erasing Minds Allows Complete Submission Every Male Adolescent Craves Sex Elephantine Memory Absolutely Considered Sine que non Emacs Makers Are Crazy Sickos Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Mo- Macros Are Completely Slow Experience the Mildest Ad Campaign ever Seen Emacs Makefiles Annihilate C- Shells Eradication of Memory Accomplished with Complete Simplicity Emetic Macros Assault Core and Segmentation Epileptic MLisp Aggravates Compiler Seizures Eleven thousand Monkeys Asynchronously Crank out these Slogans ------- From: ihnss!warren@mit-eddie (Warren Montgomery) Newsgroups: net.emacs Subject: Re: EMACS -- What does it mean? Date: Tue, 10-Sep-85 09:14:24 EDT Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL Apparently-To: emacs-netnews-distribution@mit-prep Someone at a luncheon suggested it meant: Evenings, Mornings, And a Couple of Saturdays (In reference to the odd hours that went into the creation of my implementation). -- Warren Montgomery ihnss!warren IH ((312)-979) x2494 -------- Date: Wed, 18 Sep 85 10:11:04 edt From: [email protected] (Leonard H. Tower Jr.) Subject: Re: EMACS -- What does it mean? To: [email protected] Received: by inmet.uucp (4.12/inmet) id AA02199; Wed, 18 Sep 85 09:10:17 edt Date: Wed, 18 Sep 85 09:10:17 edt Message-Id: <[email protected]> Uucp-Paths: {bellcore,ima,ihnp4}!inmet!tower Arpa-Path: [email protected] Organization: Intermetrics, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA Home: 36 Porter Street, Somerville, MA 02143, USA +1 (617) 623-7739 /* Written 6:48 pm Sep 14, 1985 by gml@ssc-vax in inmet:net.emacs */ /* ---------- "Re: EMACS -- What does it mean?" ---------- */ Pleeeeeeeze!!! Nice try on the meaning of EMACS. I believe the correct acronym is: Emacs Makes All Computing Simple Thank you, and Good Night /* End of text from inmet:net.emacs */ -------- From: ho95e!wcs@mit-eddie (Bill.Stewart.4K435.x0705) Newsgroups: net.emacs Subject: Re: EMACS -- What does it mean? Date: Thu, 26-Sep-85 21:43:54 EDT Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel NJ Apparently-To: emacs-netnews-distribution@mit-prep > > very interesting, but what does GNU stand for ? > GNU = Gnu's Not Unix. There is also MINCE, for Mince Is Not a Complete Emacs. > More recursive acronyms, anyone? Many people have also seen FINE Is Not Emacs, but the one that has character is THief Isn't Even Fine. -- ## Bill Stewart, AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel NJ 1-201-949-0705 ihnp4!ho95c!wcs -------- Path: mit-eddie!think!harvard!bbnccv!bbncca!linus!decvax!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!ta2 From: edison!ta2@mit-eddie (tom allebrandi) Newsgroups: net.emacs Subject: Re: Re: EMACS -- What does it mean? Date: Sun, 29-Sep-85 18:11:55 EDT Organization: General Electric's Mountain Resort Apparently-To: emacs-netnews-distribution@mit-prep > GNU = Gnu's Not Unix. There is also MINCE, for Mince Is Not a Complete Emacs. > > More recursive acronyms, anyone? > For the DEC-system-10/20: FINE - Fine Is Not Emacs..... -- ............... tom allebrandi 2, general electric aco, charlottesville, va {decvax,duke}!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!edison!ta2 box 8106, charlottesville, va, 22906 (804) 978-5566 ............... -------- From: [email protected] (Noah Friedman) Sender: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: etc/emacs.names Date: Fri, 9 Oct 92 00:54:57 edt The following should be added: Emacs Makes A Computer Slow -------- From: [email protected] (Olaf Titz) Newsgroups: alt.religion.emacs Subject: Re: what emacs stands for Date: 12 Oct 92 19:29:32 GMT Emacs Masquerades As Comfortable Shell Ever Made A Control-key Setup? Emacs: My Alternative Computer Story Emacs Made Almost Completely Screwed (by extensive use of M-x global-unset-key) Emacs Macht Alle Computer Schoen (deutsch) (=Emacs makes all computers beautiful) Each Mail A Continued Surprise Every Mode Acknowledges Customized Strokes (keystrokes, of course :-) Eating Memory And Cycle-Sucking Everyday Material Almost Compiled Successfully now enough bashing for today :-) -------- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: missing from etc/emacs.names Date: Thu, 20 May 93 02:21:27 edt Elvis Masterminds All Computer Software Just so you boys know the score. Thank you very Much, The King
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Updated: $Date: 2007/02/07 02:35:05 $ $Author: mattl $