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The following is an April fool mail received from RMS, but wasn't acutally sent by him, which he found it as funny.
From: Richard Stallman Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 15:53:20 -0500 Subject: emacs rewrite After more than 30 years I think it's time to rewrite emacs from scratch. I would be happy to hear your suggestions about the best language to use. At the moment I think that Perl would be the best fit, because of its acronym: Perfect emacs rewriting language.
From: Richard Stallman Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2006 21:08:17 -0400 Subject: Re: emacs rewrite Someone wrote an April Fool and put my name on it. It was funny.
The joke on this page was obtained from the FSF's
archives of the GNU Project and submitted by Ramprasad B.
The Free Software Foundation does not claim copyright for this joke.
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Updated: $Date: 2006/05/07 07:11:24 $ $Author: ramprasadb $