A SHORT GUIDE TO COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS TAOISM Shit happens. CONFUCIANISM Confucius say, "shit happens". CALVINISM Shit happens because you don't work hard enough. BUDDHISM If shit happens, it really isn't shit. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST No shit on Saturdays. ZEN What is the sound of shit happening? HEDONISM There's nothing like a good shit happening. HINDUISM This shit happened before. MORMON This shit is going to happen again. ISLAM If shit happens, it is the will of Allah. MOONIES Only happy shit really happens. STOICISM This shit is good for me. PROTESTANISM Let the shit happen to someone else. CATHOLICISM Shit happens because you are BAD. HARE KRISHNA Shit happens rama rama. JUDAISM Why does this shit always happen to us? ZOROASTRIANISM Shit happens half the time. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Shit is in your mind. ATHEISM Sheeit. EXISTENTIALISM What is shit anyway? RASTAFARIANISM Let's smoke this shit. A SHORT GUIDE TO COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS VOLUME II TAOISM: If you can shit, it isn't shit. HINDUISM: This shit isn't a religion, it's the way of life. CHARISMATIC Shit is happening because you deserve it, but CATHOLICISM: we love you anyway. REFORM JUDAISM: Got any laxatives? NEWAGE: That's not shit, it's feldspar. A firm shit does not happen to me. This isn't shit if I really believe it's chocolate. I create my own shit. EXISTENTIALISM: Shit doesn't happen; shit is. WICCA: If shit happened once, it will happen twice more. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: No shit happens until Armaggedon. SECULAR HUMANISM: Shit evolves. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: When shit happens, don't call a doctor--pray. ATHEISM: It look and smells like shit, so I'll be damned if if I'm going to taste it. RELIGION FROM AN I haven't smelt, seen, touched or tasted it, ATHEIST'S POINT OF VIEW but I know it's shit. RASTAFARIAN: Let's roll that shit up and smoke it. MORMON: Hey, there's more shit over here! UNITARIANISM: Go ahead, shit anywhere you want. IRAQI BAATHIST: Oh shit! VOODOO: Shit doesn't just happen -- somebody dumped it on you. TELEVANGELISM: Your tax-deductible donation could make this shit stop happening. AGNOSTICISM: It looks and smells like shit, but I haven't tasted it, so I'm not sure whether its shit or not. .PA In other various ways.... YUPPIE SHIT: It's my shit! All mine! Isn't it beautiful? AN EMPLOYER: Shit happens, and rolls down hill. HEISENBERGISM: Shit happened, we just don't know where. NIXONISM: Shit didn't happen, and if it did I didn't know anything about it. COMMUNISM: It's everybody's shit. CAPITALISM: Shit happens, and it'll cost you! A FUNNY AND INTERESTING STORY OF WHERE PEOPLE LOOK FOR ANSWERS, EVERYWHERE EXCEPT WHERE THE ANSWERS REALLY ARE... New-Age-Astral-Vibration Rap by Steve Webber I was having an out-of-body experience so I grounded myself and got centered with the help of my spirit guide, then I almost astral traveled but the phone rang and I sensed the negative vibrations so I checked my numerology chart and almost had a primal but my energy was blocked so I did some bioenergetics and self-parenting and had some flower essences with oat bran ginseng muffins but my inner child wasn't being nurtured so I had some frozen yogurt that made me hyper so I did the relaxation response while listening to my subliminal tape but I was feeling depersonalized so I did some polarity work, foot reflexology, a past life regression, rebirthed myself and made an appointment for a shiatsu, reiki, rolfing, Feldenkrais, Swedish, Japanese deep tissue massage but I needed to energize my crystals and do some positive imagery because my visualization techniques and affirmations made my space feel invaded so to get empowered I got a psychic reading around the issue of my assertiveness so I could feel my radiance and have energy for my psychocalisthenics and my inversion swing before my harmonic brain wave synergy session which makes me more focused for my actualization seminar and holistic healing class and dream workshop so I'm clear for my Gestalt/behavioral/cognitive/transpersonal/Reichian/ Jungian/Freudian/Ericksonian session but my aura is weak for my channeling group so I'll fast till noon to recharge my chakras and I sense my intuition is high and my cycle is focused so I'll turn on my ion generator to open up for my neuro-linguistic programming but I need to have my pyramid balanced before my guided synchronicity meditation so my cranio sacral therapy aligns me for the fire-walk after my tarot reading but I need a meaningful relationship to mirror myself so I'll go to the Intensive Whole Life Earth Rebirth Cosmic Expo Symposium Seminar Workshop to find someone who is real.
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Updated: $Date: 2006/05/07 07:11:58 $ $Author: ramprasadb $