VIM Songs . . .

 [colorful rounded image of the Head of a GNU]

Vim, send me an angel!

The wise man said just walk this way To the dawn of the light The wind will blow into your face As the years pass you by Hear this voice from deep inside It's the call of your heart Close your eyes and your will find The passage out of the dark V-I-M Will you send me an angel V-I-M In the land of the morning star The wise man said just find your place In the eye of the storm Seek the roses along the way Just beware of the thorns V-I-M Will you send me an angel V-I-M In the land of the morning star The wise man said just raise your hand And reach out for the spell Find the door to the promised land Just believe in yourself Hear this voice from deep inside It's the call of your heart Close your eyes and your will find The way out of the dark V-I-M Will you send me an angel V-I-M In the land of the morning star V-I-M Will you send me an angel V-I-M In the land of the morning star

Other humor in the GNU Humor Collection.


The song on this page were submitted by Pablo Mayckon
The Free Software Foundation claims no copyrights on this song.

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Updated: $Date: 2006/05/09 08:10:56 $ $Author: ramprasadb $