Welcome to GNU Emacs (Hacked up by Jamie Mason to the tune -------------------- "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns 'n' Roses) <Heavy guitar intro, "Oh my GOD!" spoken in the background...> Welcome to GNU Emacs We've got fun'n'games We got everything you want If you just know the names We are people that define Whatever you may need. If you've got the mem'ry, honey We got your disease In GNU Emacs Welcome to GNU Emacs Watch it bring your system to its knees. I, I wanna fill yer disk Welcome to GNU Emacs We malloc() K by K If you want it you're gonna thrash But it's the price you pay And it's a very fast machine With sixty megs of core It used to handle lotsa users But can't do it anymore In GNU Emacs Welcome to GNU Emacs Won't you feed my... my... my... my... mem'ry need? I wanna hear you thrash! Welcome to GNU Emacs It gets bigger ev'ry day You learn to fill all the disk packs On the system where we play And if you've got some swap that we can see We'll brk() it eventually You can allocate anything you want But you'd better not take it from me In GNU Emacs Welcome to GNU Emacs Watch it bring your system to its knees I'm gonna fill yer disk When you're up You never ever wanna shut down, shutdown, shutdown, SHUTDOWN! YEAH! You know where you are? You in GNU Emacs, baby. Yer system's gonna DIE! In GNU Emacs Welcome to GNU Emacs Watch it bring your system to its knees In GNU Emacs Welcome to GNU Emacs Won't you feed my... my... my... my... mem'ry need? In GNU Emacs Welcome to GNU Emacs Watch it bring your system to its knees In GNU Emacs Welcome to GNU Emacs Watch it bring your system... It's gonna bring it down! HA!
Other humor in the GNU Humor Collection.
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Updated: $Date: 2006/05/07 07:12:29 $ $Author: ramprasadb $