Translations of this page
This is an automatic message:
The document you have sent is not an Internet mail format. It is a proprietary format that is unreadable on several types of computers, including those used by visually-impaired readers and older computers used in foreign countries. In most cases, the size of the file is substantially larger than a plain-text file containing the same information. (Even if it LOOKS like plain-text to you, chances are it is not, and contains a considerable amount of unnecessary formatting codes, printer information, etc.) In addition, Microsoft Word documents are often infected with viruses. Excel, Access, and Power Point files are also vulnerable to infection.
Please "Save As" DOS Text, HTML or Portable Document Format (PDF) and send the resulting file as an attachment. Another option is to simply type your message directly into mail (not Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Word) then you won't need to use an attachment at all.
In the highly unlikely event that your document cannot be converted to an open, non-proprietary format, consider posting it on a web page, and sending e-mail with the URL which points to the file.
Thank you.
(Microsoft is a criminal company that has been found guilty of antitrust violations by both the U.S. District Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals.)
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Updated: $Date: 2006/12/29 20:58:23 $ $Author: alex_muntada $