Affidavit of Eben Moglen on Progress Software vs. MySQL AB Preliminary
Injunction Hearing
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MySQL AB, et al.,
01-CV-11031 (PBS)
EBEN MOGLEN, ESQ., under penalty of perjury, deposes and says:
- I am am over eighteen years of age and am competent to testify as
to the matters here set forth. I make this affidavit on the
basis of my personal knowledge.
- I am Professor of Law at Columbia University Law School, where I
have taught since 1987. I have been a member of the Bar of the State
of New York since 1988.
- Before joining the Columbia faculty, I was law clerk to Judge Edward
Weinfeld of the United States District Court for the Southern District
of New York, and to Justice Thurgood Marshall of the United States
Supreme Court.
- In 1985 I graduated from Yale Law School and simultaneously
completed resident work on my Ph.D. in History, which was awarded,
with distinction, on completion of my doctoral dissertation in
American legal history, in 1993.
- From the age of thirteen until I began my judicial clerkships I
was employed, part-time and full-time throughout my educational
career, as a professional computer programmer. From 1979 to 1984 I
was employed by the International Business Machines Company as a
designer and implementer of advanced computer programming languages.
I consider myself an expert in the design of programming language
systems and utilities.
- My academic research and writing concentrates on the legal changes
brought about by digital computers, viewing those changes in
technological and historical perspective. I teach courses entitled
``Law in the Internet Society,'' ``Computers, Privacy, and the
Constitution,'' and ``Perspectives in Modern Legal Thought.''
- I have published widely in these fields, and in the field of
American legal history, specializing in the development of law in
English-speaking North America from the inception of colonization
through the American Revolution. A copy of my curriculum
vitae, including a list of my publications, is attached hereto as
Exhibit A.
- Since 1994 I have served pro bono publico as General
Counsel of the Free Software Foundation. I have been a member of the
Foundation's Board of Directors since 1999.
- The Free Software Foundation (``FSF'') was founded in 1985 by
Richard M. Stallman, who remains its President. The Foundation is a
501(c)(3) organization incorporated under the law of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, with its primary place of business in Boston,
- The FSF's mission is to encourage the creation and distribution of
computer programs, technical documentation, and other related
materials that can be freely copied, modified and redistributed by
their users. FSF refers to such computer programs as ``free
software,'' where the word ``free'' refers to freedom, not to price.
FSF believes that by giving all users the right to copy, modify, and
redistribute software, the ethical obligation to maintain freedom of
thought is honored. Software that can be freely shared is also of
inherently higher quality, because everyone who uses the software can
experiment with improvements, and can fix mistakes that are
discovered. Because anyone who makes such fixes is allowed to
distribute those fixes or improvements, the quality of the software
increases exponentially over time, and all programs can be reused for
new purposes.
- FSF supports the development and distribution of free software in
two basic ways: it writes and distributes free software of its own,
and it helps others to write and distribute such software, primarily
through the development and publication of the copyright licenses and
associated legal materials that facilitate this hitherto-unusual means
of software production.
- Before the creation of the Foundation, Mr Stallman had begun
designing and implementing an entire free software operating
environment usable on all computers from the most basic facilities to
the most advanced applications. He called that planned system
``GNU.'' Over the course of the 1980s many components of GNU were
written and tested, some by Mr Stallman himself and many others by
programmers who contributed to the projects and assigned their
copyrights in their portions of the programs to the Free Software
- In the early 1990s a young Finnish programmer named Linus Torvalds
began to assemble the innermost portion of a computer operating
system, known in the trade as the ``kernel,'' first as a personal
learning exercise and then as a cooperative project over the Internet,
ultimately involving thousands of other volunteers. Mr Torvalds
called his kernel ``Linux,'' and he designed it to work compatibly
with the other parts of the GNU system designed and incrementally
implemented by Mr Stallman and FSF. The result was a system that
combined Mr Torvalds' Linux kernel with the other GNU components to
make a system that FSF calls GNU/Linux, and which is widely but
misleadingly called ``Linux'' in general parlance.
- Throughout the 1990s the GNU/Linux operating system became
explosively popular with technically-sophisticated users and
businesses around the world. The production model of free
modification and redistribution permitted rapid development of
thousands of applications for the system, and its compatibility with
the Unix operating system originally designed and implemented by AT&T
made possible the ready adaptation or ``porting'' of most applications
designed for Unix, itself very widely used in technical, academic, and
scientific environments. It has been widely reported that GNU/Linux
is now the fastest growing operating system in the world for ``server
computers,'' which are those computers that perform the tasks required
by large networks: file sharing, World Wide Web publication, etc.
GNU/Linux is now also used in the smallest computers in the world,
including ``personal digital assistants'' or ``palmtop'' computers.
Because, in compliance with the terms and conditions of the GPL,
anyone may freely copy any or all of the programs contained in the
system, centralized sales and use figures do not exist, but even a
conservative estimate of the number of computers using the operating
system and associated application programs throughout the world would
reach into many tens of millions.
- Although high technical quality and reliability is certainly
partly responsible for the success of GNU/Linux, the legal
institutions that facilitate this apparently counter-intuitive
phenomenon of large-scale non-hierarchical production successfully
competing against global corporations are of even greater importance.
These institutions depend on a simple but far-reaching employment of
copyright law through the GNU General Public License, under which much
free software is distributed.
- The GNU General Public License (``GPL'') is the legal heart of the
free software movement. The goal of the GPL is to use copyright law
to create a ``commons,'' a collection of shared resources to which
anyone can add, and from which anyone can borrow freely, but from
which nothing can be permanently removed. This concept, of using
copyright to create a commons, rather than a domain of exclusive
ownership, is sometimes called ``copyleft,'' and the GPL is an example
of one form of ``copyleft license.'' A copy of the current version 2
of the GNU GPL, first published in 1991, is attached hereto as Exhibit
- Free software is not in general in the public domain. If
contributors to free software projects were placing their code in the
public domain, it could be immediately incorporated by others into
proprietary, non-free projects, from which those appropriators could
derive value without returning anything to the commons. Instead, free
software is copyrighted, but through the terms of the GPL, copyright
is used to protect the common interest without excluding anyone from
the rights to execute, copy, modify, and redistribute that are of the
essence to free software.
- The GPL is a very simple form of copyright license, as compared to
other current standards in the software industry, because it involves
no contractual obligations. Most software licenses begin with the
exclusive rights conveyed to authors under copyright law, and then
allow others access to the copyrighted work only under additional
contractual conditions. The GPL, on the other hand, actually
subtracts from the author's usual exclusive rights under
copyright law, through the granting of unilateral permissions. When a
work of copyrighted software is released under the GPL, all persons
everywhere observing its terms are unilaterally permitted all rights
to use, copy, and modify the software. Because these permissions are
unilaterally given, users who wish only to use the software
themselves, making copies for their own use, or who wish only to make
derivative works for their own use, do not have to ``accept'' the
license, because they have no reciprocal obligations under it.
- If a user wishes to redistribute software she has received under
the GPL, whether in modified or unmodified form, the license permits
that activity as well. Here, however, the permission is qualified by
three primary conditions:
- Redistribution must itself occur under GPL and only GPL, with no
additional license conditions. (See Exhibit B, §2(b));
- Redistribution must include ``source code,'' the human-readable
form of computer programs that allows programmers to understand and
modify computer programs for themselves, as opposed to ``object
code,'' which is the ``machine language'' version of computer programs
that is very difficult for programmers to understand or modify. (See
Exhibit B, §3(a)); and
- Redistribution must include a copy of the GPL, so that users are
aware of their rights to use, copy, modify and distribute, and so that
anyone engaged in redistribution is also aware of the conditions under
which redistribution is permitted. (See Exhibit B, §1).
- As a result of these conditions on redistribution, the GPL
achieves the goal of creating a commons. Anyone can copy and modify
program code released under the GPL, but no one can combine that
program code with any other code and then release the combination on
non-GPL terms. Anyone who contributes program code to a GPL-based
programming project knows that her contribution will remain freely
available for others to use, fix and improve, but that no one will be
able to exclude others from having the same rights. The GPL uses
copyright doctrine to achieve the result of the principle that we
should all ``share and share alike.'' Thus anyone who combines
GPL-licensed software with other program code must release the
combined work under GPL, and must provide the source code for the
entire derivative work.
- Because anyone in possession of a program released under GPL must be
in actual possession of the license itself, the licensor is entitled
to presume that anyone engaged in redistribution is actually on notice
of the only terms on which redistribution is permitted.
Redistribution on any other terms is intentional violation of the
GPL. (See Exhibit B, §5).
- The GPL is specifically designed to be a license for decentralized
distribution, in which everyone can share programs and improvements
with anyone else. This means that program code can cross national
borders and otherwise propagate in uncontrolled ways. For this
reason, the GPL makes special provision for dealing with the
consequences of license violation. Under §4, any licensee who
violates the GPL loses his right of distribution, until such time as
that right is restored by affirmative act of the copyright holder.
The distributees of that licensor, however, retain their rights under
the license, including their rights of distribution. (See Exhibit B,
- The FSF is by no means the only licensor of programs under the
GPL. FSF accepts copyright assignments of some programs for release
under GPL, as part of its mission to facilitate the employment and
diffusion of free software. The IBM Corporation, for example, not
only releases some programs under the GPL, but also assigns copyright
to FSF in some of the programs it so releases, for the purpose of
empowering FSF to enforce the GPL against license violators. But many
other authors of programs choose to release their works under GPL
while retaining the ownership of their copyrights: the Linux kernel
itself, for example, is owned by its authors; FSF has no significant
ownership of copyrights in the primary versions of the Linux kernel.
FSF's own enforcement practices in dealing with GPL violations,
however, are widely followed in the community of free software and (as
it is sometimes called) ``open source,'' a phrase which refers to the
requirement that source code be provided to facilitate understanding,
modification, and redistribution by all users. FSF's enforcement
practices are relevant to the community at large because FSF is the
author of the GPL, because it has a large inventory of free software
which it manages on behalf of the community as a whole, and because
its strong engagement with the ethical as well as commercial value of
free software has given it a special position of trust within the
- In my role as General Counsel of the Foundation, I have been
primarily responsible for all worldwide enforcement activity in
defense of the GPL since 1994. I have been involved in all significant
cases in which FSF itself enforced the license with respect to
software whose copyrights it held, and I have provided extensive
advice to authors of other software released under the GPL with
respect to the enforcement of their rights and protection of the
integrity of the license. In those activities, I have found §4 of
the GPL to be absolutely essential to the conduct of our enforcement
- FSF's policy with respect to GPL violations is to secure
compliance, not damages. When a party has violated GPL, and the
violation is called to our attention (which happens on the average
some dozens of times each year), we inform the party in violation of
its responsibilities, and advise it on the steps necessary to come
into compliance. It is our practice that once a party has taken steps
to comply, and has entered into confidence-building measures to ensure
that future non-compliance will be avoided wherever possible, and
rapidly discovered and remedied where inadvertently reproduced,
distribution rights under GPL §4 are restored on a cooperative
non-judicial basis. In this fashion, I have secured compliance with
the license in dozens of cases over the past decade, and have never
had to resort to judicial measures of mandatory enforcement. Without
the leverage provided by §4, however, parties would resort to
repetitive partial compliance, ``capable of repetition but evading
review,'' in language the Supreme Court has applied to a different
sort of situation, substantially if not overwhelmingly complicating
the task of securing reliable compliance with the license.
- I understand that MySQL AB was formed by the primary authors and
is a copyright holder of the program MySQL, which is a particularly
important component among the many thousands of components of the free
software system. MySQL is a ``database engine,'' which means that it
organizes and manages access to large quantities of ``tabular'' data.
- Database tables would include the transactions in a store, the
reservations in an airline reservation system, the addresses in a
mailing list, or the personnel records of the employees of a company.
Each ``record'' in such a database can be thought of as the ``row'' of
a table, in which a single sales transaction, for example, contains
several ``fields,'' or ``columns'' (the item number of the item sold,
the quantity, the price, the shipping charge and tax applied, and so
on). The ``SQL'' in the name stands for ``structured query
language,'' which is the historically-conventional phrase used to
describe database engines that allow rows in the table to be searched
for by a complex set of restrictions on the fields (``Give me all the
transactions in which someone in zipcode 10027 bought five or more of
item #3116 in color green or blue during the months of April and May
2000,'' for example).
- The ``engine'' which manages the creation and searching of such
tables, particularly when they involve hundreds of thousands or
millions of entries, is a critical building block of larger software
applications. Most of the ``e-commerce'' occurring on the World Wide
Web, whether it involves making a purchase in a store, reserving
transportation or accommodation, or tracking the movement of packages
by freight companies, involves interacting with a database manager.
- MySQL is the most popular and widely-used of free software
database engines. Along with the program called Apache that manages
websites, and the Perl and PHP ``scripting languages'' that allow web
pages to accept and process user input, MySQL is part of the
``platform'' on which many thousands of individual applications have
been constructed by businesses and other organizations, large and
small, around the world.
- MySQL AB engages in ``dual licensing.'' This means that it
licenses a version of MySQL to be freely used, copied, modified and
distributed by everyone under the GPL, and also makes versions of its
program that are distributed to particular customers without the right
of free distribution. Those who receive MySQL under the GPL, however,
are not entitled to engage in ``dual licensing.'' Having received
their copy of the program under GPL, they may freely modify and
redistribute, but that redistribution, under GPL §2(b), must occur
under the terms of the GPL, without any additional limitation. In
particular, anyone who modifies MySQL must release that modified
version in compliance with the GPL's requirement that everyone who
receives the program must receive ``source code,'' or all the
materials required so that they themselves can understand, share and
improve the program in its modified form.
- Progress Software Corp. is the distributor of program code called
``Gemini.'' Gemini is a ``storage module'' for a database engine. It
performs the task of writing data into a new or existing database,
which is a subcomponent of the tasks performed by the database engine
as a whole. Gemini provides numerous features for any database engine
into which it is inserted. Gemini can provide ``crash recovery'': if
a large database stored by Gemini is in the process of being updated
when the computer system managing the data is suddenly halted, by a
power outage or similar unexpected intervention, Gemini can assure
that the data is uncorrupted. Gemini also provides ``reversability,''
in the sense that a change made in the database is not final when it
is first made, and thus, if it turns out that the change is erroneous,
until the table stored by Gemini is ``committed,'' the original
pre-change data can still be recovered. But Gemini tables are also
larger than tables stored by other storage managers, and the task of
storing information in such tables is slower. For this reason, a
database engine such as MySQL relies upon multiple storage modules,
rather than only one. When a particular data generator decides how to
construct a database for a particular task, it will instruct the
database engine to choose among storage modules in order to achieve
the optimal balance of size, speed, stability, reversability, and
other properties. In any particular computer system that provides
database applications, the MySQL engine will be a single program,
usually called ``mysqld.'' The mysqld program on that system will
have one or more storage modules ``compiled'' or ``linked'' into it as
subcomponents, like chapters in a single book, and those particular
chapters will have been included that serve the needs of the
particular application or applications that will use database
- In connection with the instant litigation, I have reviewed two
versions of ``NuSphere MySQL Advantage''
distributed by Progress Software Corporation. I have conducted that
review precisely as I would have conducted such an investigation in my
role as FSF's General Counsel in the event of a complaint of GPL
violation. I personally conducted all activities hereinafter
described, depending on my own personal knowledge of the practices of
software manufacture and distribution, as well as my legal
understanding of the requirements of FSF's GNU General Public License.
- NuSphere MySQL Advantage is a collection of programs, like a bookshelf
containing many books, all of which have been adapted to work smoothly
together. Among the separate works anthologized in NuSphere MySQL Advantage
are the Apache web server program, the Perl and PHP scripting
languages, and MySQL. A user who buys NuSphere MySQL Advantage is thus getting
``one-stop'' shopping: each of the programs involved is free software,
released under a variety of free software licenses, and could each be
gotten from multiple places in the network, usually at nominal cost.
By paying a substantial price for NuSphere MySQL Advantage, however, the user
gets everything all on one CD ROM, arranged to work smoothly together
and to be installed using a simple interface that can be controlled
from an ordinary web browser, and which will install the same way on
machines running Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, or other operating
systems for non-PC computers.
- The first version of NuSphere MySQL Advantage I reviewed was labeled
Version 2.2. The CD ROM containing the software associated dates with
each file in the customary fashion, and by reviewing the dates I
concluded that the CD ROM was ``burned,'' or fixed in a tangible form,
on June 21, 2001. I installed this copy of NuSphere MySQL Advantage on a
computer running GNU/Linux, following the standard directions
provided. The standard installation program created a mysqld program
on my computer's hard drive, and once that program had been created I
used a standard information request to inquire of that copy of mysqld
whether it included Gemini storage capacity. The program told me that
Gemini storage capacity was included in mysqld, and gave me certain
technical particulars, for example the largest Gemini table that it
could store.
- I then checked whether the source code of the Gemini component of
mysqld was available. I saw that it was not. I used standard tools
to ``recompile'' mysqld, which means to rebuild the program from the
parts provided, and discovered that the rebuilt mysqld did not include
Gemini capacity. In a manual distributed in the portion of
the CD only related to Windows users I found the statement that
```GEMINI' tables will be included in some future MySQL 3.23.X
source distribution.''
- On the basis of this examination, based upon my expertise and
prior experience as a computer programmer, I concluded that the
version of NuSphere MySQL Advantage under review violated the
requirements of the GNU GPL. The mysqld program as distributed was
covered by the GPL. It had been combined with program code from
Gemini to provide those storage types, and had been ``compiled'' into
the ``machine language'' copy of mysqld distributed to buyers. But
the source code for the portion of mysqld that performed Gemini
storage had been withheld, which violated GPL §3. This omission was
not inadvertent, as was shown by the comment in the Windows version of
the MySQL documentation, which said only that source code would be
provided at a later date. Given my knowledge of the practices of
programming and the requirements of the GPL, I concluded that the
license violation was intentional. Whether intentional or not, any
violation of the GPL results under §4 in a termination of the right
to redistribute.
- I then reviewed a copy of Version 2.3.1 of NuSphere MySQL
Advantage. The dates in the filesystem allowed me to conclude that
the CD ROM was ``burned'' on October 1, 2001. Installing as
ordinarily directed I again verified that the version of mysqld placed
on my hard drive contained Gemini storage capacity. I reviewed the
source code directories and found that the source code of the Gemini
module was fully available. I then verified that I could ``compile''
or rebuild mysqld from the available parts so that it matched the
version that had been distributed in ``machine language'' on the disk.
The statement about postponed source code availability had been
removed from the Windows manual.
- Under GPL §4, I conclude, Progress Software Corp. lost the right
to distribute MySQL when it distributed NuSphere MySQL Advantage in a
fashion that violated GPL.
I declare under penalty of perjury and upon personal knowledge that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated: February 26, 2002
New York, New York
Copyright © 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire document is permitted in
any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
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$Date: 2002/02/26 20:21:57 $ $Author: bkuhn $