

The goal of this project is to develop software (and possibly hardware) for an E-paper blackboard that can be used like a graphic tablet. The software will allow basic operations like writing, erasing, drawing curves, moving content, vectorizing and zooming to be processed locally and advanced operations (e.g. OCR) and rendering tasks to be provided through a server. This may include the execution of Java applets locally.

In a second stage the project will probably aim to develop a hardware specification for a blackboard with an embedded controller that allows to perform the local operations without an attached computer. Remote functions may include rendering of OpenOffice, PDF, LaTeX, WikiTeX, DVI (per dvisvgm?) GNU TeXmacs and HTML content to the board. Preformatted content and some content formats (e.g. a subset of SVG and the dotBook format) should be readable from a MMC card without an attached computer. The demonstration version runs in a window but the final version will run in fullscreen mode.


Early planning, very early Demonstration Applet
There is also a Webstart version that includes Apache Batik.


Stage I

The first stage is a Java application that can simulate the board on a desktop computer, using the mouse as the pointing device and a network connection as the server channel.

Stage II

The second stage will (probably) be a hardware specification and embedded application using UClinux that allows to run the Java application from stage I without a desktop computer, directly on the controller for the board. The server channel will most likely be a USB bus. Suggested sizes for the board could be the ISO 216 standard sizes A1 (portable) and A0 (mobile). Three A0 sized modules side by side would have about the size of an average stationary blackboard.


Open Questions

Code Conventions



Interesting Web Applets

Blackboard Applets

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