Coeur : COnvert EUro
Coeur is a simple european currencies converter.
Is a simple command line program, associated with an extremely simple
graphic front end.
Coeur is a free software, licencied under the terms of the
GNU Public License (GPL), version 2.0 or later.
The graphic front end need Python and Gtk to work.
Features :
- Simple and easy to use, even the command line program
- No configuration : locale currency is detucted from locale on the first run.
- multiple conversions at once
- Powerfull : You can convert between european currencies.
Program examples
Converting from euro to french francs
coeur 100 200 500
eur -> frf
100.00 -> 655.96
200.00 -> 1311.91
500.00 -> 3279.78
Converting from belgium francs to euro
coeur -f bef 100 200 500
bef -> eur
100.00 -> 2.48
200.00 -> 4.96
500.00 -> 12.39
Version 0.2 :
- No verification of the currency codes when defining locale currency.
- The detection of the locale currency only work with fr_FR, fr_BE, de_DE, pt_PT, fi_FI, es_ES, because I don't know other
currency codes (see help section)
To Do
- Add more locales to currency codes detection
- Add internantionalization support via gettext
- Debian and Red Hat Packages
- Add the possibility to download and synchronize other world currencies information, like name and conversion ratio (future)
Here, some screenshots from the gcoeur front end program
Converting from euro to francs
Converting from francs to euro
Current version of coeur is 0.2, availabe only in source format, in
Download area
- I need a little of help for new correspondances between locales and official currency :
- fr_FR : FFR
- fr_BE : BEF
- de_DE : DEM
- and more...
- Locales : Need traductors from french to other languages for man pages, and documentation.
- Correct bad traductions of this page :-)
You can contact me at hubix.