Gpremacy is a Mono/Gtk# clone of the 80s board game "Supremacy" by Supremacy Games, Inc. The game is a "Risk"-like game set in the near future between the superpowers with macroeconomics and nuclear weapons.
- Cross Platform: Will run on any system supported by Mono (Win2k+, Linux, Solaris, OS X...)
- Multiplayer Ready: Play with your friends online, and nuke them!
- AI in development: If you don't have enough people, or just want to play by yourself. Look for this soon!
- Theme-ready: Gtk themes are automatically applied, so it can match your furniture and socks!
- Nuclear Weapons: A demonstration can be seen here: Gpremacy, demonstrating strategic attacks (MPEG4 - 512x400, 846 KB).
Gpremacy is packaged in one format with an included binary .exe file. You can compile it yourself with MonoDevelop, or just run the included .exe file with your Mono environment. Yes, the one .exe file works on everything Mono supports!
Download Gpremacy | |
Latest Release [.tar.gz | .zip] | Older Releases |
Download Mono Runtime Environment (required) | |
Mono Downloads |
The latest release will be your best choice.
Gpremacy is powered by Mono and GTK# and requires both to run. Don't worry: Mono runs on everything except your cellular phone (so far). Installing it is rather simple: visit the Mono Download page and select an installer or package for your operating system. After that's done you can get on to playing!
How To Play / Installation Instructions
To install the game after installing Mono (see above for "Prerequisites"!), just extract the download file to a convenient location. If you're familiar with a shell, running the game is as simple as changing to the Gpremacy directory and typing:
$ mono bin/Debug/gpremacy-mono.exe
If you're using Windows, you can execute the game by double-clicking the gpremacy-win.bat file in the Gpremacy directory (where you extracted the files). If you have trouble, you probably do not have Mono installed. See above. If it's still not working, it's probably the batch file... drop me a note.
Gpremacy uses a variation on the Supremacy Version 3.0 rules as written at Maximilian's Mega-Premacy site. Detailed differences will be posted as time permits.
CVS Access
The Gpremacy project is being actively developed, so if you're interested, feel free to peek at the CVS tree. To download the most current source for Gpremacy, issue the following commands at your prompt:
$ export CVS_RSH="ssh"
$ cvs -z3 -d:ext:[email protected]:/cvsroot/gpremacy co gpremacy-mono
Contacting James
You can email me at pug AT pugsplace dot net. My GPG key is here, and I love encrypted email.