KDE Frontend for SCIM and all-in-one configure GUI.
Table of Contents
scim-panel-kde is a GUI FrontEnd for SCIM under Linux systems optimized for KDE.
KDE compliant: default settings are retrieved from KDE and the GUI honors the KDE/Qt global styles, including but not limited to the apperances and colors of widgets, icons;
Fully KDE integration: if you close your KDE when scim-panel-kde is still running, next time you start KDE, scim-panel-kde will get loaded automatically by KDE; After installation of scim-panel-kde, you can start it from "KDE Menu->Utilitis->scim-panel-kde"
Fully customizable: a setup GUI is shipped with scim-panel-kde, in which you can modify all settings not only about scim-panel-kde but also SCIM and most the settings will take efforts immediately without the hassle of restart (partially implemented, now only scim-panel-kde specific settings can be changed, please use scim-setup to change scim specific settings at present);
Based on modular concept: nearly everything you see are in seperate plugins, so you can configure which one you want. Not specified plugins would not get loaded at all to save your memery; some temporary functions such as configuration dialogs will be loaded on-demand, and will be unloaded automatically when they are no longer needed;
Object Oriented: like any other KDE/Qt application scim-panel-kde is written in C++
At present, you can get the latest scim-panel-kde from Sourceforge or Savannah.
(Hope this page will be moved to freedesktop)
Current version is 0.7.4, so it should be treated as beta-quality, but it is stable enough for everyday use.
scim-panel-kde 0.7.4 debian package
SCIM >= 0.9.5, Qt? >= 3.2.0 and KDE >= 3.2.0 are required to compile scim-panel-kde.
If you want to use RPM to install SCIM, then please make sure before compiling and starting scim-panel-kde at least the RPMs for scim, scim-devel, scim-frontend-socket, scim-server-socket, scim-config-socket are installed.
Otherwise, if SCIM is compiled in your box, you have all necessary files.
If you do not want Gtk2 based original GUI from SCIM, you can disable them while configure SCIM: after you compile it, you can still compile scim-panel-kde. In a word, scim-panel-kde does not depend on original Gtk2 based GUI.
Compiling scim-panel-kde is very easy. The following should do it:
%./configure %make %make install
The last command should be executed as root. Should you run into any problems, please report them to the author.
Before you can use any XIM server in X, your environment must be setup.
First, edit the file ~/.xinitrc (if it does not exist, create one), and modify it according to the sample below
export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM export LANG="zh_CN.GBK" startkdeif you want to use Chinese interface, or
%export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.GBK"
if you prefer English (which is the default) interface.Change the locale/encoding according to your favorite. Now available locales/encodings supported by SCIM is as follows
zh_TW.Big5,zh_TW,zh_HK.Big5-HKSCS,zh_HK,zh_CN.GB18030,zh_CN.GBK,zh_CN.GB2312,zh_CN,ja_JP.eucJP,ja_JP.ujis,ja_JP,ko_KR.eucKR,ko_KRalthough currently no proper methods are availabe neither for Korean nor Janpanese.
WARNING: some of these locales/encodings are not recommended to use, such as zh_CN.GB2312 (please use zh_CN instead), due to bugs in other applications/libraries (Xfree 86 etc.)
(These are verified under Gentoo, but maybe some other issues will jump in the way if you use different distros.)
Before trying starting scim-panel-kde, please make sure that SCIM and scim-panel-gtk are not running; if they are, kill them: first kill scim then scim-panel-gtk as follows:
%killall SCIM %killall scim-panel-gtk
Currently, you can use two different methods to start scim-panel-kde and SCIM:
Since scim-panel-kde 0.7.2, a new plugin called SCIM Launcher is available, it will start SCIM automatically when you start scim-panel-kde.
So all you should do to start scim-panel-kde and SCIM is just
%scim-panel-kde -d
or start it from "KDE Menu->Utilitis->scim-panel-kde"
If for some reasons (eg. debug), you want to start scim-panel-kde and SCIM manually and separately, then you should do followings
First, you should disable the SCIM Launcher plugin in Configuration of scim-panel-kde, then it should be started as follows:
%scim-panel-kde -d %scim -c socket -d
IMPORTANT: At present, scim-panel-kde should be started before SCIM.
If you need gtk_immodule, then please run following commands:
%scim-panel-kde -d %export SCIM_CONFIG_SOCKET_ADDRESS="local:/tmp/scim-panel-socket" %scim -f socket -ns socket -c socket -d %scim -f x11 -s socket -c socket -d
If you prefer scim to start scim-panel-kde automatically, then at present a work around is: move scim-panel-gtk to other place or name, such as:
%mv /usr/bin/scim-panel-gtk /usr/bin/scim-panel-gtk.real
(Assumption is made that scim resides in /usr)
then make a soft link from scim-panel-kde:
%ln -s /usr/kde/3.2/bin/scim-panel-kde /usr/bin/scim-panel-gtk
(I assume your KDE is installed into /usr/kde/3.2/) (In following releases, I hope I can find a formal way to achieve this)
Program copyright 2004 Liucougar (Liuspider) <[email protected]>
SCIM Primary Author JamesSu <[email protected]>
Documentation Copyright (c) 2004 Liucougar (Liuspider) <[email protected]>
This documentation is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.