sectoolkit: a simple security toolkit
By Mauro Chiarugi && Marco Pagnanini
in collaborazione con Aldo Franco Dragoni e Paolo Puliti
What we want to build
We start writing the Security Toolkit because we want to build an instrument
to apply the OSSTMM, a methodology about security. Moreover, we decided
that our work must be useful for real agency that work in security.
In addition we have coded some plugins that perform tasks from the Unix
Security Checklist of CERT/CC available at
To achieve this, we desing this architecture:
As you can see, there is a CoreApplication that read data from a db. It
reads Teams - that is composed by Machines and Persons -, so reads
Results composed of Events and Actions.
After that, the CoreApplication reads from directory plugins/ all
avaible plugins, and so prompt to the user what he want to do. He can
admin Teams, Persons and Machines, than he can execute security tests
against these entities. A test is implemented by one or more plugins.
To build a Plugin, you need to create a new Class that inherits class
Plugin and ovveride the start method and the __init__ that are defined
start(self, machine, team, person)
Then, after that you have execute your steps in the security trip, you
should return an Object that is an instance of Result class. A Result
object, that contains an Event Object (to report test expirations) and
an Action Object (to record plugin stdout after execution on a particular
machine), will be instantiated and saved in the database simply by adding
this statement in your plugin code:
Take a look at other modules (e.g. or for how to enable
festival speech support.
See also README files in the sectoolkit project.
What we have build
Now, we have only wrote the CoreApplication to read plugin list and to
execute them. Then we have wrote some plugins and a small version
of CERT security checklist.
We have also realized the ZODB database for test logging.
What we need to code
Next step (version 2.0) will be: improve database queries and write many plugins.
Send your comments and suggestions to
Our WebSites:
sracatus website
tmp website
a simple security toolkit written in python
and released under
All pages Edited with Vim and