Things to do, things done
Implement some options
We need a little more control over the options. Here are the ones
I intend to add:
Remove HTML
At the moment, HTML tags in the TODO are automatically made impotent
by swapping all & characters to "&" and all < characters to
"<", their HTML symbol codes. This will probably need to be
extended to include HTML comments, but we will also need to be
able to turn this off, with "--nostriphtml" for example.
Formatting options
These have been moved to a major item, below.
Something like "--title="
Remove title completely if not --title= option is used
Rather than add a default or have and empty <TITLE> section
Body only
Rather than always prodece complete HTML pages, it might be
useful to be able to be able to produce only HTML that would go
inside of the <BODY> tags. Good for automagically generated
Like title, but inserts a H1 tag at the top. --heading=jhsdjk
An option like "--showkey" that shows what colours mean.
Formatting options
Style sheet inclusion
"--cssinsert=" to insert the style info from a given file, and
Style sheet linking
"--csslink=" to point to an external css file.
Provide some feedback on completed items
Ideally, we want some way to show completed items. Probably just
make the first word in the heading "DONE!". Also should work for
Basic highlighting
Just colors done things green and pending things red
Advanced Highlighting
Instead of having to mark all subitems done, as well as the top
level item, marking the top level item should mark the subitems
If a stylesheet is provided, this should not provide it's own
Tag stripping
An option should be provided for stripping DONE! tags from the
final html document.
Allow exclusion of done/pending items
Exclude done items
Most useful.
Exclude pending items
Not so useful, but worth having
Write useful docs
Proper useage message
Explanation of the format of the file
Man page.
Write in some proper checks for the interpreter version.
Some things don't work properly in older versions of python. Need
to make these work, rather than cutting out.
True and false are not found in versions before 2.2.1
This can be sorted easily, by setting True=1, False=2 in
specific versions.
file("filename",options) isn't in 2.1.3
This might be a problem for other versions, open() doesn't work
in quite the same way.
Make generated HTML pass the validators
This make sense really.
Easy enough
I need to look into this first.
meta tag "generator"
This isn't necessary to pass, but is probably a good idea.
Advanced features
There are things that people generally put in TODO files that we
could also support.
- Assigned to: me
Who the item is assigned to.
Who completed the task
- Assigned to: me
Date added
- Assigned to: me
Date completed
- Assigned to: me
Notes on completion
- Assigned to: me
Need to have a look at as many TODO files as possible and see
how people use them.
Cleaning up
- Assigned to: james
Some things need to be refactored
Processing of first and seconf level items
Shares a lot of code, but it's written twice. Refactor this.
Pending major/top level item
Completed major/top level item
Pending minor/sub-item
Complete minor/sub-item