yyt is a pseudo-tty program that converts Chinese terminal output encoded in GB/BIG5 to a preset encoding automatically. It is useful for users who have to work with multiple Chinese encoding in console applications.
Saka's libhz is used in this program to do all the conversion related works. saka's site.
Download yyt 0.7.0 source here
(size: 367KB, Damn, autoconf is so big).
Use ./configure to compile.
Project Page:
Click here for project page (Nothing there. Send me bug report directly, please.)
Mail me at: [~hashao at hashao hypermart net~]
What is yyt:
Here is a screen capture(19KB)
From the README file:
Yi Yan Tang =========== Yi Yan Tang (One Language Temple) or "yyt's yodel tty", whatever you want to call it. Everybody speaks the same language to you in this temple. They can yodel but yyt will make their yodel sound plain and boring. :) yyt is a pseudo-tty program that converts Chinese terminal output encoded in GB/BIG5 to a preset encoding automatically. It is useful for users who have to work with multiple Chinese encodings in console applications. I need it for slrn so I coded it. It works like hztty or betty but auto-detect the incoming encoding. LC_CTYPE will be used to set the default destination encoding. Type "yyt -h" for Usage. libhz is used for encoding judgement and conversion. libhz is included in the package autoconvert at saka's site. Debian users should install the package zh-autoconvert. hashao <hashao at chinese com>
Got it? In one sentence, it let you read both GB/BIG5 text under a single BIG5/GB terminal.