What was New in 1998 on the GNU Web Site

 [image of the Head of a GNU]

December 1998

30 December 1998
Added the GNU C Library Reference Manual to the list of online manuals.

19 December 1998
Added Oberon V4 to our software page.

Added Ulm's Modula-2 System to our software page.

16 December 1998
Added ht://Dig as an adopted program for use in the GNU system to our software page.

15 December 1998
Added a note on the home page that our earlier report on the Wassenaar agreement was a false alarm. New information indicates that the agreement will not be applied to free software.

Added Loyd Fuestons article, "Is Self-Interest Sufficient to Organize an Free Economy?" to our philosophy page.

Added gleem to our software page.

13 December 1998
Noted on our Java page are Jtar, a Java implementation of GNU tar, Mtftp, a TFTP client, djinn, a daemon wrapper for Java programs under Unix, and Kiev, a compiler that extends and unites the Java and Prolog languages.

11 December 1998
Noted that Richard Stallman's speech in Japan is on December 14th on our main page.

Added Greg to our software page.

10 December 1998
Added a link to a project aiming to eliminate "fuzz bugs" from GNU software to our reliability page. Added some wise words by Samuel Adams to our philosophy page. Added ytalk to our software page.

9 December 1998
Added two pages containing the German original and English translation of the speech given by Georg C. F. Greve at the CLOWN (Cluster of Working Nodes, a 512 node GNU/Linux Cluster) in Paderborn, Germany.

Added a link to Alliance from our software page.

8 December 98
Added the posibility to use rsync to mirror www.gnu.org. Look at our advice for mirrors for more information.

Added search to our main page.

4 December 98
Added a page about GNU m4.

Added information about

Richard Stallman's speach at NAIST in Japan to our index page.

Added a few pages about EDMA to our software page.

November 1998

25 November 1998
Added a flash to the SVLUG speech that Richard Stallman will hold on the 2nd of December to our index page.

Noted on our Java page are JAO, a CORBA implementation, JSP, an implementation of Java server pages, and RobotWar, a robot combat programming game.

24 November 1998
Updated the page about Microsoft to comment on the significance of the ``Halloween documents''.

18 November 1998
Added Russian translation of the GNU Manifesto.

14 November 1998
Added japanese translation of Richard Stallman's speech at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, 1986.

14 November 1998
Added SmallEiffel to our software page.

13 November 1998
Added http://gnu.archive.sunet.se as a Swedish mirror to our mirrors page.

6 November 1998
Added http://gnu.mirrors.com.br as a Brazilian mirror to our mirrors page.

1 November 1998
Added a link to the German translation of the GNU manifesto.

Added a link to GPLed fonts from the ghostscript page.

Added omniORB to our software page.

Added new material to the page that explains why the term ``free software'' is better than ``open source''.

Added a page about UDI (the Uniform Driver Interace project) and why this is not beneficial for free software.

Posted an old essay by Richard Stallman, Why Software Should Be Free.

Added a serious bio of Richard Stallman to his home page.

October 1998

26 October 98
Added compare to our software page.

26 October 98
Added rsync to our software page.

26 October 98
Added GNU SQL to our software page.

26 October 98
Added Tvset to our software page.

26 October 98
Added a link to an article about Netscape's decision to release sourcecode free on our philosophy page. The article is in German.

25 October 98
Added Jonas �berg and Joel N. Weber II to the webmasters page.

24 October 98
Added A Russian translation of the GPL to the Copyleft page.

24 October 98
Added Playmidi to our software page.

24 October 98
Added ASCII versions of the GPL (18k characters) and LGPL (25k characters) licenses to our copyleft page.

24 October 98
Added Harmony to our software page.

24 October 98
Added a link to The Free Science Campaign in our philosophy page.

24 October 98
Added a link to Cyber Radio 1 in our software page.

24 October 98
Added a link to SANE in our software page.

23 October 98
Changed the copyright notice on all pages

22 October 98
Added Peter McLachlans coloured Typing GNU Hacker to our graphics page.

21 October 98
Added a link to MHonArc in our software page.

21 October 98
Added GNU Robots

21 October 98
Added an article about stack overflow with the GNU acronym.

19 October 98
Added a link to VNC in our software page.

15 October 98
Updated the Ghostscript pages.

7 October 98
Noted in The X Windows Trap that the Open group recently decided to release X11R6.4 as non-copyleft free software.

September 1998

27 Sept 98
Noted on our Java page is JavaDeps, a package for automatic dependency tracking in Java.

7 Sept 98
Noted on our Java page are JEL, a library for evaluating a simple single line expressions in Java and JLINT, a Java program checker.

August 1998

27 August 98
As of September 1, 1998, we will be shipping copies of the GNU Software for MS-Windows and MS-DOS book with CD-ROM.

21 August 98
We have made several updates to the GNU Hurd pages, including links to a new page about Debian GNU/Hurd and a recent version of the GNU Hurd Reference Manual.

11 August 98
We have added a page for Gush, the GNU User's Shell.

2 August 98
We have added a page for the Diction package, which is now in development.

July 1998

26 July 98
We have added a page for the Xlogmaster.

20 July 98
We have added a page explaining why free software needs free manuals.

20 July 98
We have added a page about nominations for the first Free Software Award.

14 July 98
We have added a page about the X Window System and copyleft.

8 July 98
The GNU Distribution Europe order form has been updated. Prices have been reduced slightly on many items.

6 July 98
Added the Free Software Song.

May 1998

27 May 98
Noted on our Java page is Rex a fast regular expression library for Java.

25 May 98
We have added a page containing testimonials supplied by business users of GNU software.

11 May 98
Installed HTMLized versions of the GNU's Bulletins.

9 May 98
We added a link to Read Them And Weep, by Simson Garfinkel. This article talks about pending bills that would give information owners sweeping new powers, and restrict the activities of computer users.

5 May 98
Added a link to TOCHNOG to our software page.

4 May 98
Updated the plotutils page.

April 1998

30 Apr 98
Added the March 1998 GNU's Bulletin

19 Apr 98
Noted on our Java page, are:

17 Apr 98
We have added a page explaining why the BSD license is particularly bad and should not be imitated.

17 Apr 98
We have added a page explaining how copyleft functions as a pragmatic measure to help bring us more free software.

9 Apr 98
We have added a page about plotutils.

4 Apr 98
We have installed a search engine on our site.

March 1998

31 Mar 98
We have added an explanation of why it is best to avoid using the term Intellectual Property.

28 Mar 98
We have added a page about Checker, a GNU package that works with gcc to catch memory use errors in a program.

20 Mar 98
We have added a page about the problems of Netscape's draft free software distribution terms.

20 Mar 98
We have added a page about XaoS, a real-time fractal zoomer.

13 Mar 98
We have added a page about GNU libtool, which facilitates developing and maintaining shared libraries.

10 Mar 98
We have raised the price of GNU T-shirts to $18. This is so that selling T-shirts will continue to be effective for raising funds for GNU development.

10 Mar 98
Xfree86 now has support for GNU/HURD.

8 Mar 98
We have added a page describing Ncurses, which is finally free software, and now GNU software.

3 Mar 98
Noted on our Java page, is Regular Expressions For Java.

February 1998

26 Feb 98
Noted on our Java page, is a Java interface to the GDBM library.

23 Feb 98
Added a new page on "open source software" or "free software"?

Added a reference to a new page on GNU automake.

22 Feb 98
Noted on our Java page, is JMK. JMK is an interactive Make application written in Java with similiarities to GNU Make.

16 Feb 98
We now have a page about the GNU Emacs editor.

5 Feb 98
We now have a page about the GDB Manual.

January 1998

30 Jan 98
A new GNU T-shirt is available.

29 Jan 98
We have added a page about Netscape and the possibility that it may make the Netscape web browser free software.

28 Jan 98
We have updated the Thank GNUs page.

28 Jan 98
We have updated the GCC page for the release of GCC 2.8.0.

28 Jan 98
We have added a link to The Free Music Philosophy, by Ram Samudrala.

27 Jan 98
We have added an explanation of how you can donate to the GNU Project via the United Way and about raising donations for developing Display Ghostscript.

17 Jan 98
We have added an explanation of why free software users should stay off the Java bandwagon.

What was New in Prior Years

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Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Updated: $Date: 2006/04/22 10:46:06 $ $Author: ramprasadb $