* 26 January 2007
Join DefectiveByDesign.org and BadVista.org in warning people about the harms of Windows Vista at Microsoft's celebrity launch party in New York City on Monday, January 29th. Read the details, tell some friends, and let us know if you can make it.
* 26 January 2007
Sign this petition to show your support for public access to scientific works in the EU.
23 November 2006
We are experiencing a leased-line outage. Some resources, including fencepost, lists and mail, are unavailable. Service should be restored on 24 November.
* 2 November 2006
Check out gNewSense 1.0, a new free software GNU/Linux distribution created by Brian Brazil and Paul O'Malley, based on Ubuntu and Debian.
* 26 September 2006
The first discussion draft for version 2 of the GNU Free Documentation License has been released. Please read the new text and contribute comments!
25 September 2006
Read a few points of clarification by the FSF with regard to recent misinformation about GPLv3.
* 18 September 2006
Watch Trusted Computing: An Animated Short Story by Benjamin Stephen and Lutz Vogel for a great introduction to what "Trusted Computing" really means.
* 22 Aug 2006
The FSF is holding a contest to award the honor of the five-thousandth entry in the Free Software Directory. Read the news announcement for the contest details.
* 27 Jul 2006
The FSF has released new discussion drafts of the GPL and LGPL. Read the announcement and examine the changes.
* 28 Apr 2006
Please sign the EFF's
petition in favor of music sharing. There is one flaw in the
wording of this petition. It is a mistake to speak of "compensating
musicians" for copying, because that encourages the RIAA's dangerous
pretense that they have "lost" something when people copy. The
appropriate goal is not that musicians be "compensated" - it is to
support music and musicians. However, that is no reason not to sign the petition.
21 Apr 2006
Live streaming audio and video are available from the 2nd International Conference on GPLv3 along with other parts of the 7th International Forum on Free Software. Please see http://gplv3.fsf.org/av for the feeds.
14 Apr 2006
The UK government is asking for comment on issues of concern to free software supporters. Please send an email comment and pass the word on. See the FSF news item for more info. The deadline is April 21.
28 Feb 2006
GNU mailing list subscribers: lists.gnu.org has recovered and is resuming normal mail delivery. There will be some delay as it works through its backlog, but we do not expect any messages to be lost.
15 Feb 2006
Help stop the WIPO broadcast/netcast treaty---it's like
the DMCA but worse. See the FSF news item for more detail.
17 Jan 2006
Proposal to impose software patents in the EU.
11 Jan 2006
Sign this pledge at PledgeBank to boycott DRM
03 Jan 2006
Richard Stallman is speaking in New York, NY at an event hosted by Gnubies and LXNY on January 4th at 6:30pm. For more details, see the event listing at fsf.org.
09 Dec 2005
Stop the French government from prohibiting free software! See the FSF news item for more information, and sign the petition.
05 Dec 2005
Richard Stallman will be on the Alex Jones radio show from 13:00 to 14:00 EST on 2005-12-06. For more information, see http://www.prisonplanet.com.
30 Nov 2005
The GPL3 process is picking up steam. The FSF has released its GPL3 Process Definition, which gives the details and sets the schedule for how the new license draft will develop. Read the document and sign up for the new GPLv3 announcement mailing list at gplv3.fsf.org.
28 Oct 2005
Stop the sabotage of OpenDocument! Please attend the public hearing in Boston on Monday, October 31 from 1pm to 5pm in Hearing Room A1 at the State House. Bring small paper signs to show your support. See www.fsf.org for more information.
14 Oct 2005
MPAA and RIAA are trying (again) to push through the Broadcast Flag, without a hearing. Read EFF's report and take action.
28 August 2005
Listen to RMS interviewed on the GNU/Linux User Show in OGG format.
15 August 2005
The US Copyright Office is asking for comments on requiring the use of Internet Explorer for a new preregistration service. The FSF is collecting, delivering, and posting comments opposing this requirement. Send us your comments by August 18!
06 July 2005
The European Parliament has voted (648 to 14) against an attempt to impose software patents in Europe!
21 June 2005
The FSF is hiring for a Senior GNU/Linux Systems Administrator and Programmer position.
21 June 2005
Richard Stallman's article Patent Absurdity, calling on the European Parliament to reject rules allowing software patents, appears in the Guardian.
13 May 2005
Free Software loving Christians might be interested in taking a look at Penguin in the Pew, a book by Don Parris which expands on the philosophies from a Christian perspective. (Note that this is a third party work and thus not the official view of the FSF.)
10 May 2005
The Free Software, Free Society (FSFS) Conference, organized by Government and civil society organizations from Brazil, Italy, Venezuela and India, is scheduled for 28-30 May 2005 in the Southern Indian city of Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), the capital of the province of Kerala.
06 May 2005
The FSF is looking for volunteers to build, test and package fully free versions of OpenOffice.org 2.0 that use GCJ as a replacement for the non-free Java platform. Please look at this page for a list of bugs, patches and feature requests needed for better support and instructions for testing and reporting bugs to the GCJ and OpenOffice.org teams.
04 April 2005
There is a vital need to draw the Free Software community's attention to the ongoing development work on Free Flash and Free Java platforms. These projects are important because computer users are continually being seduced into using non-free software, because there is no adequate free replacement.
08 March 2005
FSF associate members should RSVP for this year's annual meeting. Richard Stallman, Eben Moglen, Lawrence Lessig and more will be speaking.
18 February 2005
The FSF is hiring a full-time Program Assistant.
16 February 2005
There will be a demonstration against software patents in Brussels
16 February 2005
The FSF has appointed a new Executive Director and got a new, distinct website.
22 January 2005
URGENT: The European software patent directive is being introduced at the Council for Agriculture and Fishery on January 24. More info here. Immediate action is necessary! More information can be found on Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure's website.
04 January 2005
Current FSF associate members will receive a customized message recorded by RMS or Eben Moglen, suitable for use as the greeting on their answering machine, voicemail or home page, when they inspire three new people to join as annual members!
03 January 2005
We have revised the music to the Free Software Song. The Lilypond are here and here.
03 January 2005
GNU founder Richard Stallman will be doing an interview with radioActive San Diego on Thursday, 06 Jan 2005 at 7PM PST (GMT -8). Those living in San Diego, CA, USA can listen to it on 106.9 FM. A press release can be found here.
02 January 2005
Thanks to Turkish artist Kursad Karatas we now have abstract art of our mascot.
29 December 2004
There is a new page up for Windows users, aimed at the Free Software curious.
24 December 2004
We have placed a banner on top of the main page to thank Poland for blocking the European software patent vote. We urge all proponents of software Freedom to not only do the same with their own sites, but also send a letter thanking them for doing so. More information can be found here.
14 Decemeber 2004
www.gnu.org now provides an RSS feed for our what's new page. We are gradually internationalizing our news. You should soon be able to read GNU RSS in your own language.
19 November 2004
FSF is currently seeking a full-time Senior GNU/Linux Systems Administrator and Programmer
14 September 2004
Added Richard Stallman's new article: Fighting Software Patents - Singly and Together, with a link from the Philosophy page.
14 September 2004
Added a new SVG logo to the GNU SVG Art page.
21 August 2004
Added a Russian translation of the main page.
21 July 2004
FSF is offering two days of seminars at Stanford University on the GPL and Free Software Licensing on August 24 and 25 of 2004.
6 July 2004
Richard M. Stallman put a short note on the license page explaining why the Reciprocal Public License is a non-free license.
6 July 2004
The Independent reports a US Computer Emergency Response Team alert regarding Microsoft's Internet Explorer security vulnerabilities. "It is possible to reduce exposure to these vulnerabilities by using a different web browser."
(However, they should not refer to the people who exploit these security holes as "hackers".)
1 July 2004
The Dutch parliament voted to take its support away from the EU software patent directive. If a few other countries change their votes, software patents in Europe may be defeated in the Council of Ministers. http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20040702085542832
21 June 2004
FSF The Associate Membership site has a new interface.
21 June 2004
FSF seeks a system analyst/database guru.
4 June 2004
Added a Take Action page, and linked to it from the front page, and from /keepingup.html. The purpose was to allow for greater flexibility of description of what actions we can take, while still providing a brief summary on the front page to explain what we need help with. Take Action is modeled after the What's New page.
21 May 2004
Added new instructions for mirroring www.gnu.org to www.gnu.org/server/mirror.html. We are now recommending using rsync to update mirrors (from ibiblio.org, rather than directly from us).
18 May 2004
Added Merry Christmas in 4 languages to the humor page.
13 April 2004
Larry Lessig joins the Board of Directors of the Free Software Foundation.
13 April 2004
Added Richard Stallman's new article: Free But Shackled - The Java Trap, with a link from the Philosophy page.
11 April 2004
Added a link to the UTUTO-e GNU/Linux distribution to the Links to Other Free Software Sites page.
1 March 2004
Added a link to Prof Eben Moglen's speech at Harvard, to the Philosophy page.
25 February 2004
New action item on the home page regarding proposed U.S. copyright bill
24 February 2004
Added a new picture - a Gnu wearing a jacket - to the GNU art page.
22 February 2004
Added RMS essay, MyDoom and You
12 February 2004
Added the new FSF bulletin Issues 1 and 2 to Bulletins page.
29 January 2004
Added a link on the home page requesting suggestions for free software packages to add to the Free Software Directory.
23 January 2004
New look to the gnu.org home page.
20 January 2004
Events in New York between January 20 - 23
14 January 2004
FSF to host press conference on the General Public License and SCO versus IBM.
12 January 2004
Added a link on the graphics page to an ASCII Super Gnu.
8 January 2004
New essay by Richard Stallman: " The Free Software Community After 20 Years: With great but incomplete success, what now? "
8 January 2004
Added a link on the home page to the English version of the EFN's web page about the Jon Lech Johansen ("DVD Jon") case.
7 January 2004
Added a link on the home page to a news article: The Norwegian appeals court sustained the ruling that DeCSS is not illegal.
6 January 2004
Article about the World Summit on the Information Society by Richard Stallman.
6 January 2004
Added a link to the GNU/Linux User Group Bamberg/Forchheim website on the User Groups page.
5 January 2004
Added the Keeping Up With GNU and the FSF page.
2 January 2004
Another humorous email received by rms, this time suggesting new options to gcc.
2 January 2004
FSF To Host Free Software Licensing Seminars and Discussions on SCO v. IBM in New York. (A plain text version is also available.)