Math::Polynomial::Solve, version 2.00, 10 Feb 2004.
Copyright (c) 2004 John M. Gamble. All rights reserved. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.
This package provides a set of functions that find the roots of
polynomials up to degree 4 using the classical methods. Polynomials
of degrees 5 and higher are solved by an implementation of the QR
Hessenberg algorithm.
The solution for the cubic is based on an article by R. W. D. Nickalls,
"A New Approach to solving the cubic: Cardan's solution revealed," The
Mathematical Gazette, 77, 354-359, 1993. This article is available on
the web at several web sites, including .
A web search for Nickalls + cubic will find other web sites.
The solution for the quartic is based on Ferrari's method, as described
in the web page Karl's Calculus Tutor,
Version 1.01 of this package worked with perl version 5.004_04. The
current version may work with that version of perl as well, but I had
no way to test this. Consequently, the requirement is set for version
5.6 of perl.
The usual way. Unpack the archive:
gzip -d Math-Polynomial-Solve-2.00.tar.gz
tar xvf Math-Polynomial-Solve-2.00.tar
Go into the resulting directory, and type:
perl Makefile.PL
Run the tests:
make test
Install the module:
make install