This patch contains some cosmetic improvement of Bellcore's XbaeMatrix widget. The improvement includes: 1). The highlight of the active cell is inside the cell shadow or grid line instead of outside cell shadow. 2). "evenRowBackground" and "oddRowBackground" resources are added. One can use different backgrounds for even rows and odd rows resp.. 3). Resource "colors" is replaced by "cellBackgrounds". So, one can change background colors instead of foreground ones. I personally think multi-color background is more attractive than multi-color foreground. 4). Resource "gridType" is added. There are four grid types -- XmGRID_NONE, XmGRID_LINE, XmGRID_SHADOW_IN and XmGRID_SHADOW_OUT. The default is XmGRID_LINE. If the gridType is XmGRID_LINE, the grid line color can be set via "gridLineColor" resource. 5). Resource "selectedForeground" and "selectedBackground" are added. Try the examples of matrix, colors and select-drag under examples directory to see the effect. Installation: 1). Unpack Xbae-3.8. 2). In the directory which contains Xbae-3.8, apply this patch patch -p0 < Xbae-3.8-pretty-p1 3). Read README of Xbae-3.8. For those who don't know, XbaeMatrix widget is a freely redistributable Matrix widget. You can get Xbae-3.8 from many ftp site. For example, you can get it from or Enjoy. Q. Frank Xia. July 22, 1994