NAME Net::SMTP::Receive - receive mail via SMTP SYNOPSIS MyMailReceiver->showqueue() MyMailReceiver->runqueue() MyMailReceiver->server(%options) package MyMailReceiver; @ISA = qw(Net::SMTP::Receive); use Net::SMTP::Receive; sub deliver { my ($message) = @_; # attempt to deliver a message... die or return, return code ignored } sub is_delivered { my ($message, $recipient) = @_; if ($recipient) { return 1 if delivered to recipient return 0 if not } return 1 if message is fully delivered return 0 if not } DESCRIPTION Net::SMTP::Receive handles receiving email via SMTP. It is built as a base class that must be subclassed to provide methods for actually delivering a message. Many aspects of Net::SMTP::Receive's behavior can be modified by overriding methods in the subclass. Net::SMTP::Receive does not provide any method to deliver a message or even check that it has been delivered. That's left for the subsclass. However, it will queue the message until it has been delivered. Almost all configuration of Net::SMTP::Receive is done through overriding method definitions. Both the SMTP server and individual messages are represented by Net::SMTP::Receive objects (or rather MyMailReceiver objects if that's what you choose to name your subclass). MEMBER DATA The following fields exist the sever objects and continue to exist as the server object forks itself into a message object. PEERHOST, PEERADDR `PEERADDR' is the IP address of the system the email is coming from. `PEERHOST' is the hostname of the system the email is coming from. IDENT `IDENT' is the username returned by doing an ident query on the sender. HELO `HELO' is a copy of the greeting sent by the client. MIMETYPE `MIMETYPE' is either `8BITMIME' or `7BIT' depending on the transfer encoding used. FROM `FROM' is the address provided with `MAIL FROM'. TO `TO' is an anonymous array of addresses provided by the `RCPT TO' command. This array may be modified by the `deliver()' method. TIME `TIME' is a timestamp (integer) of when the message was first enqueued. ID `ID' is the identification assigned to the message as it is enqueued. The filename of the message is `$queue_directory/$message-'{ID}.txt> (also available as `$message-'{TEXTFILE}>). The envelope is stored as a perl object in `$queue_directory/$message-'{ID}.pqf>. TEXTFILE `TEXTFILE' is the filename where the message is stored while in the message queue. Messages are placed in the queue before delivery is attempted. ERROR `ERROR' contains the die message (`$@') from the last delivery attempt. LASTRUN `LASTRUN' is the timestamp (integer) of when delivery was last attempted on the message. STATE `STATE' is a status field that is left over from the protocol negotiations. It's mentioned here because it's reserved for internal use. Any additional fields added after this release will use a member data naming prefix of `NSR_'. ADDITIONAL METHODS TO OVERRIDE The following is not a complete set, but it is likely to be enough. For the complete set, read the source. `check_rcptto()' is an important method to define. It is here that it is easiest to prevent open relaying. A simple check that the recipient address belongs to you will do. A return code of something like: "550 relaying denied" works. sub check_rcptto { my ($self, $envelope_to_address) = @_; return 0 if the address is okay as it stands return (0, @replacement_addresses) if the address is okay but delivery should be redirected to antoher address or addresses. return "550 relaying denied, so go away!" } `check_mailfrom' is less important, but can also be useful. sub check_mailfrom { my ($self, $envelope_from_address) = @_; return 0 if the from address is okay return $smtp_3digit_error_code otherwise } sub do_syslog { return 1 if you want syslogging of activity return 0 if you want errors to stderr } sub queue_directory { return '/var/spool/pmqueue'; # return something else to place the message queue # elsewhere. } sub checkaccess { my ($self, $client_iohandle, $remote_ident) = @_; die or exit() if you don't want to talk to the client otherwise, return anything } sub prestart { my ($self, %config) = @_; # initialize any special MyMailReceiver state before # starting to listen as a server } sub max_datalength { return 20_000_000; # return something smaller if you don't want to accept # 20GB messages.. } sub max_recipients { return 10_000; # return something smaller if you want to place a more # reasonable limit on the number of recipients. } sub add_envelope { return 0; #default return 1 # if you want to add an C<X-Envelope-To:> header. # If you do this, then C<Bcc:> won't be blind. } METHODS TO CALL Net::SMTP::Receive has three core methods that are used to fire it up. MyMailReceiver->server(%config) `server()' starts an SMTP listening server. The config parameters currently supported are: IPAddr Port MyMailReceiver->runqueue() `runqueue()' processes the mail queue. It is not called automatically by the server. Call it with a cron job instead. Be sure to do this! MyMailReceiver->showqueue([$message ids]) `showqueue()' prints a sendmail-style mail queue report to STDOUT. It is optionally restricted to particular message ids. Net::SMTP::Receive doesn't provide much for the subclass to call. However, there are a few methods that might be some help. Well, one anyway: $message->log($text, $args) syslog()s text and also printf's it. LICENSE Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 David Muir Sharnoff. License hereby granted for anyone to use, modify or redistribute this module at their own risk. Please feed useful changes back to