# NAME Pgtools - It's a yet another command-line tool for PostgreSQL operation. # SYNOPSIS ## pg\_kill $ pg\_kill -kill -print -mq "like\\s'\\%.\*\\%'" ",5432,postgres,,dvdrental" ------------------------------- Killed-pid: 11590 At : 2016/03/21 01:32:29 Query : SELECT \* FROM actor WHERE last\_name like '%a%'; Killed matched queries! ## pg\_config\_diff $ pg\_config\_diff ",5432,postgres,," ",,,," ",5432,postgres,,dvdrental" <Setting Name> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- max\_connections 50 100 100 shared\_buffers 32768 16384 65536 tcp\_keepalives\_idle 8000 7200 10000 tcp\_keepalives\_interval 75 75 10 wal\_buffers 1024 512 2048 ## pg\_fingerprint $ pg\_fingerprint queries\_file SELECT \* FROM user WHERE id = ?; SELECT \* FROM user2 WHERE id = ? LIMIT ?; SELECT \* FROM user2 WHERE point = ?; SELECT \* FROM user2 WHERE expression IS ?; # DESCRIPTION Pgtools is composed of 3 commands which is pg\_kill, pg\_config\_diff, pg\_fingerprint. \- pg\_kill shows the specified queries during execution by regular expression and other options. And also kill these specifid queries by -kill option. \- pg\_config\_diff command needs more than 2 argument which is string to specify the PostgreSQL databases. \- pg\_fingerprint command converts the values into a placeholders. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Otsuka Tomoaki. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Otsuka Tomoaki <otsuka.t.2013@gmail.com>