Sparky is a continuous integration server based on Sparrow/Sparrowdo ecosystem.

# Build status

[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/sparky.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/sparky)

# Sparky workflow in 4 lines:

    $ sparkyd # run Sparky daemon to build your projects
    $ perl6 bin/sparky-web.pl6 # run Sparky web ui to see build statuses and reports
    $ nano ~/.sparky/projects/my-project/sparrowfile  # write a build scenario
    $ firefox # see what's happening

# Installation

    $ sudo apt-get install sqlite3
    $ git clone https://github.com/melezhik/sparky.git
    $ cd sparky && zef install .

# Setup

First you should run database initialization script to populate database schema:

    $ perl6 db-init.pl6

# Running daemon

Then you need to run the sparky daemon

    $ sparkyd

* Sparky daemon traverses sub directories found at the project root directory.

* For every directory found initiate build process invoking sparky worker ( `sparky-runner.pl6` ).

* Sparky root directory default location is `~/.sparky/projects`.

* Once all the sub directories gets passed, sparky daemon sleeps for $timeout seconds.

* A timeout option allow to adjust a load to your system.

* You can change a timeout by applying `--timeout` parameter when running sparky daemon:

    $ sparkyd --timeout=600 # sleep 10 minutes

* You can also set a timeout by using `SPARKY_TIMEOUT` environment variable:

    $ SPARKY_TIMEOUT=30 sparkyd ...

Running sparky in daemonized mode.

At the moment sparky can't daemonize itself, as temporary workaround use linux `nohup` command:

    $ nohup sparkyd &

Or you can look at systemd scripts located at `./systemd` directory.

# Running web ui

And finally sparky has simple web ui to show builds statuses and reports.

To run Sparky web ui launch `sparky-web.pl6` script from the `bin/` directory:

    $ perl6 bin/sparky-web.pl6

This is [Bailador](https://github.com/Bailador/Bailador) application, so you can set any Bailador related options here.

For example:

    BAILADOR=host:,port:5000 perl6 bin/sparky-web.pl6


# Creating first sparky project

Sparky project is just a directory located at the sparky root directory:

    $ mkdir ~/.sparky/projects/bailador-app

# Writting build scenario

Sparky is heavily based on Sparrowdo, so I encourage you to read [Sparrowdo docs](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo)
_to know how to write Sparky scenarios_.

Here is a short example.

Say, we want to check out the Baildor source code from Git, install dependencies and then run unit tests:

    $ nano ~/.sparky/projects/bailador-app/sparrowfile

    package-install 'git';

    git-scm 'https://github.com/Bailador/Bailador.git';

    zef 'Path::Iterator';
    zef '.', %( depsonly => True );
    zef 'TAP::Harness';

    bash 'prove6 -l', %(
      debug => True,
      envvars => %(
        PATH => '/root/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/bin:$PATH'

# Configure Sparky workers

By default the build scenario gets executed _on the same machine you run Sparky at_, but you can change this
to _any remote host_ setting Sparrowdo related parameters in the `sparky.yaml` file:

    $ nano ~/.sparky/projects/bailador-app/sparky.yaml

      host: ''
      ssh_private_key: /path/to/ssh_private/key.pem
      ssh_user: sparky
      no_index_update: true

You can read about the all [available parameters](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo#sparrowdo-client-command-line-parameters) in Sparrowdo documentation.

# Purging old builds

To remove old build set `keep_builds` parameter in `sparky.yaml`:

    $ nano ~/.sparky/projects/bailador-app/sparky.yaml

    keep_builds: 10

That makes Sparky remove old build and only keep last `keep_builds` builds.

# Run by cron

It's possible to setup scheduler for Sparky builds, you should define `crontab` entry in sparky yaml file.
for example to run a build every hour at 30,50 or 55 minute say this:

    $ nano ~/.sparky/projects/bailador-app/sparky.yaml

    crontab: "30,50,55 * * * *"

Follow [Time::Crontab](https://github.com/ufobat/p6-time-crontab) documentation on crontab entries format.

# Disable project

You can disable project builds by setting `disable` option to true:

    $ nano ~/.sparky/projects/bailador-app/sparky.yaml

    disabled: true

It's handy when you start a new project and don't want to add it into build pipeline.

# Downstream projects

You can run downstream projects by setting `downstream` field at the upstream project `sparky.yaml` file:

    $ nano ~/.sparky/projects/main/sparky.yaml

    downstream: downstream-project

And the by setting `is_downstream` field to `true` at the downstream project `sparky.yaml` file:

    $ nano ~/.sparky/projects/downstream-project/sparky.yaml

    is_downstream: true

# Command line client

You can build the certain project using sparky command client called `sparky-runner.pl6`:

    $ sparky-runner.pl6 --dir=~/.sparky/projects/bailador-app

Or just:

    $ cd ~/.sparky/projects/bailador-app && sparky-runner.pl6

# Sparky runtime parameters

All this parameters could be overridden by command line ( `--root`, `--work-root` )

##  Rood directory

This is sparky root directory, or directory where Sparky looks for the projects to get built:


##  Work directory

This is working directory where sparky might place some stuff, useless at the moment:


# Sparrowdo runtime parameters

These parameters can't be overridden and should be treated as internal Sparrowdo stuff.

I list them here for documentation purposes only.

## SparrowRoot


## SparrowCwd


# Environment variables


You can disable cron check to run project forcefully, by setting `SPARKY_SKIP_CRON` environment variable:

    $ export SPARKY_SKIP_CRON=1 && sparkyd


Sets the sparky root directory


Sets timeout for sparky workers, see [Running daemon](#running-daemon) section.

# Running under other databases engines (MySQL, PostgreSQL)

By default Sparky uses sqlite as database engine, which makes it easy to use when developing.
However sqlite has limitation on transactions locking whole database when doing inserts/updates (Database Is Locked errors).

if you prefer other databases here is guideline.

## Create sparky configuration file

You should defined database engine and connection parameters, say we want to use MySQL:

    $ nano ~/sparky.yaml

      engine: MySQL
      host: $dbhost
      port: $dbport
      name: $dbname
      user: $dbuser
      pass: $dbpassword

For example:

      engine: mysql
      host: ""
      port: 3306
      name: sparky
      user: sparky
      pass: "123"

## Installs dependencies

Depending on platform it should be client needed for your database API, for example for Debian we have to:

    $ sudo yum install mysql-client

## Creating database user, password and schema

DB init script will generate database schema, provided that user defined and sparky configuration file has access to
the database:

    $ perl6 db-init.pl6

That is it, now sparky runs under MySQL!

# See also

[Bailador](https://github.com/Bailador/Bailador) - A light-weight route-based web application framework for Perl 6.
[Sparky-docker](https://github.com/melezhik/sparky-docker) - Run Sparky as Docker container.

# Author

Alexey Melezhik