DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn - Automatically encode columns

    In your DBIx::Class Result class (sometimes erroneously referred to as
    the 'table' class):

      __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/EncodedColumn ... Core/);

      #Digest encoder with hex format and SHA-1 algorithm
        'password' => {
          data_type     => 'CHAR',
          size          => 40,
          encode_column => 1,
          encode_class  => 'Digest',
          encode_args   => {algorithm => 'SHA-1', format => 'hex'},

      #SHA-1 / hex encoding / generate check method
        'password' => {
          data_type   => 'CHAR',
          size        => 40 + 10,
          encode_column => 1,
          encode_class  => 'Digest',
          encode_args   => {algorithm => 'SHA-1', format => 'hex', salt_length => 10},
          encode_check_method => 'check_password',

      #MD5 /  base64 encoding / generate check method
        'password' => {
          data_type => 'CHAR',
          size      => 22,
          encode_column => 1,
          encode_class  => 'Digest',
          encode_args   => {algorithm => 'MD5', format => 'base64'},
          encode_check_method => 'check_password',

      #Eksblowfish bcrypt / cost of 8/ no key_nul / generate check method
        'password' => {
          data_type => 'CHAR',
          size      => 59,
          encode_column => 1,
          encode_class  => 'Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt',
          encode_args   => { key_nul => 0, cost => 8 },
          encode_check_method => 'check_password',

    In your application code:

       #updating the value.
       my $digest = $row->password;

       #checking against an existing value with a check_method
       $row->check_password('old_password'); #true
       $row->check_password('new_password'); #returns true
       $row->check_password('old_password'); #returns false

    Note: The component needs to be loaded *before* Core and other
    components such as Timestamp. Core should always be last.

       __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/EncodedColumn TimeStamp Core/);

    This DBIx::Class component can be used to automatically encode a
    column's contents whenever the value of that column is set.

    This module is similar to the existing DBIx::Class::DigestColumns, but
    there is some key differences:

    "DigestColumns" performs the encode operation on "insert" and "update",
    and "EncodedColumn" performs the operation when the value is set, or on
    "DigestColumns" supports only algorithms of the Digest family.
    "EncodedColumn" employs a set of thin wrappers around different cipher
    modules to provide support for any cipher you wish to use and wrappers
    are very simple to write (typically less than 30 lines).
    "EncodedColumn" supports having more than one encoded column per table
    and each column can use a different cipher.
    "Encode" adds only one item to the namespace of the object utilizing it

    There is, unfortunately, some features that "EncodedColumn" doesn't
    support. "DigestColumns" supports changing certain options at runtime,
    as well as the option to not automatically encode values on set. The
    author of this module found these options to be non-essential and
    omitted them by design.

Options added to add_column
  encode_column => 1
    Enable automatic encoding of column values. If this option is not set to
    true any other options will become no-ops.

  encode_check_method => $method_name
    By using the encode_check_method attribute when you declare a column you
    can create a check method for that column. The check method accepts a
    plain text string, and returns a boolean that indicates whether the
    digest of the provided value matches the current value.

    The class to use for encoding. Available classes are:

    "Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt" - uses
    DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn::Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt and requires
    Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt to be installed
    "Digest" - uses DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn::Digest requires Digest to be
    installed as well as the algorithm required (Digest::SHA,
    Digest::Whirlpool, etc)
    "Crypt::OpenPGP" - DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn::Crypt::OpenPGP and
    requires Crypt::OpenPGP to be installed

    Please see the relevant class's documentation for information about the
    specific arguments accepted by each and make sure you include the
    encoding algorithm (e.g. Crypt::OpenPGP) in your application's

    The following DBIx::Class::ResultSource method is extended:

    register_column - Handle the options described above.

    The following DBIx::Class::Row methods are extended by this module:

    new - Encode the columns on new() so that copy and create DWIM.
    set_column - Encode values whenever column is set.

    DBIx::Class::DigestColumns, DBIx::Class, Digest

    Guillermo Roditi (groditi) <>

    Inspired by the original module written by Tom Kirkpatrick (tkp)
    <> featuring contributions from Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
    <> and Marc Mims <>

    jshirley - J. Shirley <>

    kentnl - Kent Fredric <>

    mst - Matt S Trout <>

    wreis - Wallace reis <>

    Copyright (c) the DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS"
    as listed above.

    This library is free software and may be distributed under the same
    terms as perl itself.