DBIx::Class::Events - Store Events for your DBIC Results


    version v0.9.3


        my $artist
            = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create( { name => 'Dead Salmon' } );
        $artist->events->count;    # is now 1, an 'insert' event
        $artist->change_name('Trout');    # add a name_change event
        $artist->update;    # An update event, last_name_change_id and name
        # Find their previous name
        my $name_change = $artist->last_name_change;
        print $name_change->details->{old}, "\n";

    See change_name and last_name_change example definitions in

        # Three more name_change events and one update event
        $artist->change_name('Fried Trout');
        $artist->change_name('Poached Trout in a White Wine Sauce');
        # Look up all the band's previous names
        print "$_\n"
            for map { $_->details->{old} }
            $artist->events->search( { event => 'name_change' } );
        $artist->delete;    # and then they break up.
        # We can find out now when they broke up, if we remember their id.
        my $deleted_on
            = $schema->resultset('ArtistEvent')
            ->single( { artistid => $artist->id, event => 'delete' } )
        # Find the state of the band was just before the breakup.
        my $state_before_breakup
            = $artist->state_at( $deleted_on->subtract( seconds => 1 ) );
        # Maybe this is common,
        # so we have a column to link to who they used to be.
        my $previous_artist_id = delete $state_before_breakup->{artistid};
        # Then we can form a new band, linked to the old,
        # with the same values as the old band, but a new name.
        $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create( {
            previousid => $previous_artist_id,
            name       => 'Red Herring',
        } );
        # After a few more name changes, split-ups, and getting back together,
        # we find an event we should have considered, but didn't.
        my $death_event
            = $artist->event( death => { details => { who => 'drummer' } } );
        # but, we then go back and modify it to note that it was only a rumor
        $death_event->details->{only_a_rumour} = 1;
        $death_event->make_column_dirty('details'); # changing the hashref doesn't
        # And after even more new names and arguments, they split up again

    See "CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT" for how to set up the tables.


    A framework for capturing events that happen to a Result in a table,
    "PRECONFIGURED EVENTS" are triggered automatically to track changes.

    This is useful for both being able to see the history of things in the
    database as well as logging when events happen that can be looked up

    Events can be used to track when things happen.

    when a user on a website clicks a particular button

    when a recipe was prepared

    when a song was played

    anything that doesn't fit in the main table



    A method that returns an even-sized list of default values that will be
    used when creating a new event.

        my %defaults = $object->event_defaults( $event_type, \%col_data );

    The $event_type is a string defining the "type" of event being created.
    The %col_data is a reference to the parameters passed in.

    No default values, but if your database doesn't set a default for
    triggered_on, you may want to set it to a DateTime->now object.


    An class accessor that returns the relationship to get from your object
    to the relationship.

    Default is events, but you can override it:

            'cd_events' =>
                ( 'MyApp::Schema::Result::ArtistEvents', 'cdid' ),
            { cascade_delete => 0 },


  Tracked Table

    The table with events to be tracked in the "Tracking Table".

    It requires the Component and "events_relationship" in the Result

        package MyApp::Schema::Result::Artist;
        use base qw( DBIx::Class::Core );
        __PACKAGE__->load_components( qw/ Events / );
        # A different name can be used with the "events_relationship" attribute
            'events' => ( 'MyApp::Schema::Result::ArtistEvent', 'artistid' ),
            { cascade_delete => 0 },

    You can also add custom events to track when something happens. For
    example, you can create a method to add events when an artist changes
    their name:

            last_name_change_id => { data_type => 'integer' } );
            'last_name_change'        => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::ArtistEvent',
            { 'foreign.artisteventid' => 'self.last_name_change_id' },
            { cascade_delete          => 0 },
        sub change_name {
            my ( $self, $new_name ) = @_;
            my $event = $self->event( name_change =>
                    { details => { new => $new_name, old => $self->name } } );
            $self->last_name_change( $event );
            # $self->update; # be lazy and make our caller call ->update
            $self->name( $new_name );

  Tracking Table

    This table holds the events for the "Tracked Table".

    The triggered_on column must either provide a DEFAULT value or you
    should add a default to "event_defaults".

        package MyApp::Schema::Result::ArtistEvent;
        use warnings;
        use strict;
        use JSON;
        use base qw( DBIx::Class::Core );
        __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/ InflateColumn::DateTime /);
            artisteventid => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
            artistid      => { data_type => 'integer' },
            # The type of event
            event         => { data_type => 'varchar' },
            # Any other custom columns you want to store for each event.
            triggered_on => {
                data_type     => 'datetime',
                default_value => \'NOW()',
            # Where we store freeform data about what happened
            details => { data_type => 'longtext' },
        # You should set up automatic inflation/deflation of the details column
        # as it is used this way by "state_at" and the insert/update/delete
        # events.  Does not have to be JSON, just be able to serialize a hashref.
            my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
            __PACKAGE__->inflate_column( 'details' => {
                inflate => sub { $json->decode(shift) },
                deflate => sub { $json->encode(shift) },
            } );

    This belongs_to relationship is optional, and the examples and tests
    assume if it exists, it is not a real database-enforced foreign key
    that will trigger constraint violations if the thing being tracked is

        # A path back to the object that this event is for,
        # not required unlike the has_many "events" relationship above
            'artist' => ( 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Artist', 'artistid' ) );

    You probably also want an index for searching for events:

        sub sqlt_deploy_hook {
            my ( $self, $sqlt_table ) = @_;
                name   => 'artist_event_idx',
                fields => [ "artistid", "triggered_on", "event" ],


    Automatically creates Events for actions that modify a row.

    See the "BUGS AND LIMITATIONS" of bulk modifications on events.


      Logs all columns to the details column, with an insert event.


      Logs dirty columns to the details column, with an update event.


      Logs all columns to the details column, with a delete event.

      See the "BUGS AND LIMITATIONS" for more information about using this
      method with a database enforced foreign key.



    Inserts a new event with "event_defaults":

        my $new_event = $artist->event( $event => \%params );

    First, the "event_defaults" method is called to build a list of values
    to set on the new event. This method is passed the $event and a
    reference to %params.

    Then, the %params, filtered for valid "events_relationship" columns,
    are added to the create_related arguments, overriding the defaults.


    Takes a timestamp and returns the state of the thing at that timestamp
    as a hash reference. Can be either a correctly deflated string or a
    DateTime object that will be deflated with format_datetime.

    Returns undef if the object was not in_storage at the timestamp.

        my $state = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find( { name => 'David Bowie' } )
            ->state_at('2006-05-29 08:00');

    An idea is to use it to recreate an object as it was at that timestamp.
    Of course, default values that the database provides will not be
    included, unless the "event_defaults" method accounts for that.

        my $resurrected_object
            = $object->result_source->new( $object->state_at($timestamp) );

    See ".. format a DateTime object for searching?" under "Searching" in
    DBIx::Class::Manual::FAQ for details on formatting the timestamp.

    You can pass additional search conditions and attributes to this
    method. This is done in context of searching the events table:

        my $state = $object->state_at($timestamp, \%search_cond, \%search_attrs);


    There is no attempt to handle bulk updates or deletes. So, any changes
    to the database made by calling "update" or "delete" will not create
    events the same as single row modifications. Use the "update_all" or
    "delete_all" methods of the ResultSet if you want these triggers.

    If you create the belongs_to relationship described under "Tracking
    Table" as a database-enforced foreign key then deleting from the
    tracked table will fail due to those constraints.

    There are three required columns on the "events_relationship" table:
    event, triggered_on, and details. We should eventually make those







    Grant Street Group <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 by Grant Street Group.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)