DBIx-NamedDSN version 0.11


DBIx::NamedDSN serves as a single point of modification for all of
your DBI dsn connection strings.  Particularly as your organization's
data needs grow, you may find yourself transitioning between database
systems or adding multiplexing or load balancing to a particular
system setup.  Rather than trying to keep all of the connection
information in sync throughout all of your site's scripts, it makes
sense to consolidate this information in one place and refer to it
through the "short name".

DBIx::NamedDSN provides your scripts with the capability to connect to
a named data source, whiLE you can change the details in the future
without changing any of your auxilary tools.

As a happy side effect, DBIx::NamedDSN also adds two methods to the
standard DBI class:

o  $dbh->connection_string(), which returns a copy of the original
   connection string for a given database handle, and

o  $dbh->ndsn_identifier(), which gives you the "short name" of the
   particular database handle, if it exists.

You can use DBIx::NamedDSN's connect method to inherit the above two
methods regardless of whether a data source has a "short name"---any
dsn which looks like 'dbi:...' gets passed to the DBI directly, thus
you can wholesale replace all of your DBI->connect(...) calls with
DBIx::NamedDSN->connect(...) calls, even if you don't use the "short
name" capabilities of DBIx::NamedDSN.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


No other dependencies, other than DBI.  Not really useful without it.


Copyright (C) 2004 by David Christensen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.