[](https://travis-ci.org/cafe01/javascript-v8-commonjs) [](https://coveralls.io/r/cafe01/javascript-v8-commonjs?branch=master) # NAME JavaScript::V8::CommonJS - Modules/1.0 for JavaScript::V8 # SYNOPSIS use JavaScript::V8::CommonJS; my $js = JavaScript::V8::CommonJS->new(paths => ["./modules"]); print $js->eval('require("foo").add(4, 2)'); # prints 6 # modules/foo.js # exports.add = function(a, b) { return a + b } # DESCRIPTION CommonJS implementation for JavaScript::V8. Currently only Module/1.0 spec is implemented. (Passing all unit tests at [https://github.com/commonjs/commonjs/tree/master/tests/modules/1.0](https://github.com/commonjs/commonjs/tree/master/tests/modules/1.0)) # CONSTRUCTOR ## new All arguments are optional. - paths Arrayref of paths to search for modules. Default: \[getcwd()\]. - modules Hashref of native modules. Default: {}. - v8\_params Hashref passed directly to ["new" in JavaScript::V8::Context](https://metacpan.org/pod/JavaScript::V8::Context#new). Default: undef. # METHODS ## add\_module(name => module) Register native modules. Attempting to register a module twice is a fatal error. $js->add_module( http => { get => sub { ... }, post => sub { ... }, ... }); ## eval(js\_code, source) Evaluates javascript source code on the global context. JS exceptions are rethrown as [JavaScript::V8::CommonJS::Exception](https://metacpan.org/pod/JavaScript::V8::CommonJS::Exception) instances. $js->eval('require("program").doSomething()', "main") The second argument is a source or filename to be reported on error messages. ## eval\_file(path) $js->eval_file("main.js") ## c Returns the JavaScript::V8::Context instance. # run v8 garbage collector $js->c->idle_notification # LICENSE Copyright (C) Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz <cafe@kreato.com.br>