NAME Kelp::Module::Config::General - Config::General as config module for your Kelp applications. SYNOPSIS # app.psgi use MyApp; my $app = MyApp->new( config_module => 'Config::General' ); $app->run; DESCRIPTION This module provides support of Config::General as your Kelp::Module::Config module. Config::General module is loaded with following configuration options: -ForceArray => 1, -IncludeAgain => 1, -InterPolateVars => 1, -IncludeRelative => 1, Because Config::General provides key/value interface you are not able to create array of arrays for your default Kelp::Module::Logger configuration. This module does it for you but only in this situation. Example: modules = [ Logger ] <modules_init Logger> <outputs Screen> name debug min_level debug newline 1 binmode :encoding(UTF-8) </outputs> <outputs Screen> name error min_level error newline 1 stderr 1 binmode :encoding(UTF-8) </outputs> </modules_init> becomes: { modules => [ 'Logger' ], }, { modules_init => { Logger => [ [ 'Screen', name => 'debug', min_level => 'debug', newline => 1 binmode => ':encoding(UTF-8)' ], [ 'Screen', name => 'error', min_level => 'error', newline => 1, stderr => 1, binmode => ':encoding(UTF-8)' ] ], } } AUTHOR Konstantin Yakunin <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2017- Konstantin Yakunin LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO