NAME Catmandu::Zotero - Catmandu modules for working with Zotero web SYNOPSIS # From the command line $ catmandu convert Zotero --userID <userID> to JSON $ catmandu convert Zotero --groupID <groupID> to JSON # From Perl use Catmandu; my $importer = Catmandu->importer('Zotero', userID => '...'); $importer->each(sub { my $item = shift; print "%s %s\n", $item->{_id} , $item->{title}->[0]; }); MODULES * Catmandu::Importer::Zotero EXAMPLES See marc.fix for an use case how to transform a Zotero library into a MARCXML dump: $ catmandu convert Zotero --groupID <key> to MARC --type XML --fix zotero.fix AUTHOR Patrick Hochstenbach, patrick.hochstenbach at CONTRIBUTORS Jakob Voss, voss at LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015 Patrick Hochstenbach This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.