NAME WebService::Async::Onfido - unofficial support for the Onfido identity verification service SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION hook Executes a hook, if specified at configure time. Takes the following: * $hook - the hook to execute * $data - data to pass to the sub It returns undef applicant_list Retrieves a list of all known applicants. Returns a Ryu::Source which will emit one WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant for each applicant found. paging Supports paging through HTTP GET requests. * $starting_uri - the initial URI to request * $factory - a sub that we will call with a Ryu::Source and expect to return a second response-processing sub. Returns a Ryu::Source. extract_links Given a set of strings representing the Link headers in an HTTP response, extracts the URIs based on the rel attribute as described in RFC5988 <>. Returns a list of key, value pairs where the key contains the lowercase rel value and the value is a URI instance. my %links = $self->extract_links($res->header('Link')) print "Last page would be $links{last}" applicant_create Creates a new applicant record. See accessors in WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant for a full list of supported attributes. These can be passed as named parameters to this method. Returns a Future which resolves to a WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant instance on successful completion. applicant_update Updates a single applicant. Returns a Future which resolves to empty on success. applicant_delete Deletes a single applicant. Returns a Future which resolves to empty on success. applicant_get Retrieve a single applicant. Returns a Future which resolves to a WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant document_list List all documents for a given WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant. Takes the following named parameters: * applicant_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant for the applicant to query Returns a Ryu::Source which will emit one WebService::Async::Onfido::Document for each document found. get_document_details Gets a document object for a given WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant. Takes the following named parameters: * applicant_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant for the applicant to query * document_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Document for the document to query Returns a Future object which consists of a WebService::Async::Onfido::Document photo_list List all photos for a given WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant. Takes the following named parameters: * applicant_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant for the applicant to query Returns a Ryu::Source which will emit one WebService::Async::Onfido::Photo for each photo found. get_photo_details Gets a live_photo object for a given WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant. Takes the following named parameters: * live_photo_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Photo for the document to query Returns a Future object which consists of a WebService::Async::Onfido::Photo document_upload Uploads a single document for a given applicant. Takes the following named parameters: * type - can be passport, photo, poa * side - which side, either front or back * issuing_country - which country this document is for * filename - the file name to use for this item * data - the bytes for this image file (must be in JPEG format) live_photo_upload Uploads a single "live photo" for a given applicant. Takes the following named parameters: * applicant_id - ID for the person this photo relates to * advanced_validation - perform additional validation (ensure we only have a single face) * filename - the file name to use for this item * data - the bytes for this image file (must be in JPEG format) applicant_check Perform an identity check on an applicant. This is the main method for dealing with verification - once you have created the applicant and uploaded some documents, call this to start the process of checking the documents and details, and generating the reports. Takes the following named parameters: * applicant_id - the applicant requesting the check * document_ids - arrayref of documents ids to be analyzed on this check * report_names - arrayref of the reports to be made (e.g: document, facial_similarity_photo) * tags - custom tags to apply to these reports * suppress_form_emails - if true, do not send out the email to the applicant * asynchronous - return immediately and perform check in the background (default true since v3) * charge_applicant_for_check - the applicant must enter payment details for this check, and it will not count towards the quota for this service account * consider - used for sandbox API testing only Returns a Future which will resolve with the result. download_check Gets the PDF report for a given WebService::Async::Onfido::Check. Takes the following named parameters: * check_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Check for the check to query Returns a PDF file blob download_photo Gets a live_photo in a form of binary data for a given WebService::Async::Onfido::Photo. Takes the following named parameters: * live_photo_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Photo for the document to query Returns a photo file blob download_document Gets a document in a form of binary data for a given WebService::Async::Onfido::Document. Takes the following named parameters: * applicant_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Applicant for the applicant to query * document_id - the "id" in WebService::Async::Onfido::Document for the document to query Returns a document file blob countries_list Returns a hashref containing 3-letter country codes as keys and supporting status as their value. supported_documents_list Returns an array of hashes of supported_documents for each country supported_documents_for_country Returns the supported_documents_list for the country is_country_supported Returns 1 if country supported and 0 for unsupported sdk_token Returns the generated Onfido Web SDK token for the applicant. Takes the following named parameters: * applicant_id - ID of the applicant to request the token for * referrer - the URL of the web page where the Web SDK will be used endpoints Returns an accessor for the endpoints data. This is a hashref containing URI templates, used by "endpoint". endpoint Expands the selected URI via URI::Template. Each item is defined in our endpoints.json file. Returns a URI instance. is_rate_limited Returns true if we are currently rate limited, false otherwise. May eventually be updated to return number of seconds that you need to wait. rate_limiting Applies rate limiting check. Returns a Future which will resolve once it's safe to send further requests. AUTHOR COPYRIGHT Copyright 2019. LICENSE Licensed under the same terms as Perl5 itself.