
=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Plugin::MoreUtilHelpers - Methods to format, count, sanitize, etc...


  # Mojolicious
  $self->plugin('MoreUtilHelpers', %defaults);

  # Mojolicious::Lite
  plugin 'MoreUtilHelpers', %defaults;

  $self->count(10, 'user');     # 10 users
  $self->count([User->new]);    # 1 user
  $self->paragraphs($text);     # <p>line 1</p><p>line 2</p>...
  $self->maxwords('a, b, c', 2) # a, b...
  $self->sanitize($html);       # remove all HTML

  # keep <a> and <p> tags
  $self->sanitize($html, tags => ['a','p']);

  # future calls to param($name[n]) return trimmed values

  # DWIM Mojo::Collection

=head1 METHODS

Defaults can be set for certain methods when the plugin is loaded.

  $self->plugin('MoreUtilHelpers', maxwords => { omit => ' [snip]' },
    			           sanitize => { tags => ['code', 'pre', 'a'] });

By default and, unless stated otherwise, no defaults are set. See the method docs for more info.

=head2 count

  $self->count(10, 'user');           # 10 users
  $self->count([User->new]);          # 1 user
  $self->count([User->new], 'Luser'); # 1 Luser

Use the singular or plural form of the word based on the number given by the first argument.
If a non-empty array of objects are given the lowercase form of the package's basename is used.

=head2 collection

  $self->collection(undef);  # empty collection

DWIM (B<D>o B<W>hat B<I> B<M>ean) L<Mojo::Collection> creation.
Currently C<Mojo::Collection> does not differentiate between C<undef> and array ref arguments. For example:

  $self->c(1)->to_array;         # [1]
  $self->c([1])->to_array;       # [[1]]
  $self->c(undef)->to_array;     # [undef]
  $self->c([1,2,[3]])->to_array; # [[1,2,[3]]]

Using C<collection> to create a C<Mojo::Collection> will give you the following:

  $self->collection(1)->to_array;         # [1]
  $self->collection([1])->to_array;       # [1]
  $self->collection(undef)->to_array;     # []
  $self->collection([1,2,[3]])->to_array; # [1,2,[3]]

=head3 Making This Behavior The Default

To replace L<< the C<c> helper|Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers/c >> with C<collection>:

  $self->plugin('MoreUtilHelpers', collection => { patch => 1 });

This B<does not> replace L<Mojo::Collection::c>.

=head2 maxwords

  $self->maxwords($str, $n);
  $self->maxwords($str, $n, '&hellip;');

Truncate C<$str> after C<$n> words. If C<$str> has more than C<$n> words traling
punctuation characters are stripped from the C<$n>th word and C<'...'> is appended.
An alternate ommision character can be given as the third option.

=head3 Setting Defaults

  $self->plugin('MoreUtilHelpers', maxwords => { omit => ' [snip]', max => 20 });

=head2 paragraphs


Wrap lines seperated by empty C<\r\n> or C<\n> lines in HTML paragraph tags (C<p>).
For example: C<A\r\n\r\nB\r\n> would be turned into C<< <p>A\r\n</p><p>B\r\n</p> >>.

The returned HTML is assumed to be safe and is wrapped in a L<Mojo::ByteStream>.

=head2 sanitize

  $self->sanitize($html, tags => ['a','p'], attr => ['href']);

Remove all HTML tags in the string given by C<$html>. If C<tags> and -optionally- C<attr>
are given, remove everything but those tags and attributes.

The returned HTML is assumed to be safe and is wrapped in a L<Mojo::ByteStream>.

=head3 Setting Defaults

  $self->plugin('MoreUtilHelpers', sanitize => { tags => ['a','p'], attr => ['href'] });

=head2 trim_param


For each param name in C<@names>, make future calls to L<Mojolicious::Controller/param>
return these params' values without leading and trailing whitespace. In some cases it may be
best to add this to your routes via L<Mojolicious::Routes/under>:

  my $account = $self->routes->under(sub {
    shift->trim_param('name', 'email', 'phone');
    return 1;


Now calling C<< $self->param >> in these actions for C<'name'>, C<'email'> or C<'phone'> will
return a trimmed result.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Lingua::EN::Inflect>, L<Number::Format>, L<List::Cycle>

=head1 AUTHOR

Skye Shaw (skye.shaw [AT] gmail.com)

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Skye Shaw. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
