Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::UseMod - UseModWiki-style formatting for Wiki::Toolkit

    A formatter backend for Wiki::Toolkit that supports UseMod-style formatting.

      use Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::UseMod;

      # Instantiate - see below for parameter details.
      my $formatter = Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::UseMod->new( %config );

      # Format some text.
      my $cooked = $formatter->format($raw);

      # Find out which other nodes that text would link to.
      my @links_to = $formatter->find_internal_links($raw);

          my $formatter = Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::UseMod->new(
                         extended_links      => 0, # $FreeLinks
                         implicit_links      => 1, # $WikiLinks
                         force_ucfirst_nodes => 1, # $FreeUpper
                         use_headings        => 1, # $UseHeadings
                         allowed_tags        => [qw(b i)], # defaults to none
                         macros              => {},
                         pass_wiki_to_macros => 0,
                         node_prefix         => '',
                         node_suffix         => '',
                         edit_prefix         => ';id=',
                         edit_suffix         => '',
                         munge_urls          => 0,

        Parameters will default to the values shown above (apart from
        "allowed_tags", which defaults to allowing no tags).

        Internal links
            "node_prefix", "node_suffix", "edit_prefix" and "edit_suffix"
            allow you to control the URLs generated for links to other wiki
            pages. So for example with the defaults given above, a link to
            the Home node will have the URL "" and a link to the
            edit form for the Home node will have the URL

            (Note that of course the URLs that you wish to have generated
            will depend on how your wiki application processes its CGI
            parameters - you can't just put random stuff in there and hope
            it works!)

        Internal links - advanced options
            If you wish to have greater control over the links, you may use
            the "munge_node_name" parameter. The value of this should be a
            subroutine reference. This sub will be called on each internal
            link after all other formatting and munging *except* URL
            escaping has been applied. It will be passed the node name as
            its first parameter and should return a node name. Note that
            this will affect the URLs of internal links, but not the link


              # The formatter munges links so node names are ucfirst.
              # Ensure 'state51' always appears in lower case in node names.
              munge_node_name => sub {
                                     my $node_name = shift;
                                     $node_name =~ s/State51/state51/g;
                                     return $node_name;

            Note: This is *advanced* usage and you should only do it if you
            *really* know what you're doing. Consider in particular whether
            and how your munged nodes are going to be treated by

        URL munging
            If you set "munge_urls" to true, then your URLs will be more
            user-friendly, for example


            rather than


            The former behaviour is the actual UseMod behaviour, but
            requires a little fiddling about in your code (see
            "node_name_to_node_param"), so the default is to not munge URLs.

            Be aware that macros are processed *after* filtering out
            disallowed HTML tags and *before* transforming from wiki markup
            into HTML. They are also not called in any particular order.

            The keys of macros should be either regexes or strings. The
            values can be strings, or, if the corresponding key is a regex,
            can be coderefs. The coderef will be called with the first nine
            substrings captured by the regex as arguments. I would like to
            call it with all captured substrings but apparently this is

            You may wish to have access to the overall wiki object in the
            subs defined in your macro. To do this:

            *   Pass the wiki object to the "->formatter" call as described

            *   Pass a true value in the "pass_wiki_to_macros" parameter
                when calling "->new".

            If you do this, then *all* coderefs will be called with the wiki
            object as the first parameter, followed by the first nine
            captured substrings as described above. Note therefore that
            setting "pass_wiki_to_macros" may cause backwards compatibility

        Macro examples:

          # Simple example - substitute a little search box for '@SEARCHBOX'

          macros => {

              '@SEARCHBOX' =>
                        qq(<form action="" method="get">
                           <input type="hidden" name="action" value="search">
                           <input type="text" size="20" name="terms">
                           <input type="submit"></form>),

          # More complex example - substitute a list of all nodes in a
          # category for '@INDEX_LINK [[Category Foo]]'

          pass_wiki_to_macros => 1,
          macros              => {
              qr/\@INDEX_LINK\s+\[\[Category\s+([^\]]+)]]/ =>
                  sub {
                        my ($wiki, $category) = @_;
                        my @nodes = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                                metadata_type  => "category",
                                metadata_value => $category,
                                ignore_case    => 1,
                        my $return = "\n";
                        foreach my $node ( @nodes ) {
                            $return .= "* "
                                    . $wiki->formatter->format_link(
                                                               wiki => $wiki,
                                                               link => $node,
                                    . "\n";
                         return $return;

          my $html = $formatter->format($submitted_content, $wiki);

        Escapes any tags which weren't specified as allowed on creation,
        then interpolates any macros, then translates the raw Wiki language
        supplied into HTML.

        A Wiki::Toolkit object can be supplied as an optional second parameter.
        This object will be used to determine whether a linked-to node
        exists or not, and alter the presentation of the link accordingly.
        This is only really in here for use when this method is being called
        from within Wiki::Toolkit.

          my $string = $formatter->format_link(
                                                link => "Home Node",
                                                wiki => $wiki,

        An internal method exposed to make it easy to go from eg

          * Foo
          * Bar


          * <a href="index.cgi?Foo">Foo</a>
          * <a href="index.cgi?Bar">Bar</a>

        See Macro Examples above for why you might find this useful.

        "link" should be something that would go inside your extended link
        delimiters. "wiki" is optional but should be a Wiki::Toolkit object. If
        you do supply "wiki" then the method will be able to check whether
        the node exists yet or not and so will call "->make_edit_link"
        instead of "->make_internal_link" where appropriate. If you don't
        supply "wiki" then "->make_internal_link" will be called always.

        This method used to be private so may do unexpected things if you
        use it in a way that I haven't tested yet.

          my @links_to = $formatter->find_internal_links( $content ); 
        Returns a list of all nodes that the supplied content links to.

          use URI::Escape;
          $param = $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( "Recent Changes" );
          my $url = "" . uri_escape($param);

        In usemod, the node name is encoded prior to being used as part of
        the URL. This method does this encoding (essentially, whitespace is
        munged into underscores). In addition, if "force_ucfirst_nodes" is
        in action then the node names will be forced ucfirst if they weren't

        Note that unless "munge_urls" was set to true when "new" was called,
        this method will do nothing.

          my $node = $q->param('node') || "";
          $node = $formatter->node_param_to_node_name( $node );

        In usemod, the node name is encoded prior to being used as part of
        the URL, so we must decode it before we can get back the original
        node name.

        Note that unless "munge_urls" was set to true when "new" was called,
        this method will do nothing.

        The following methods can be overridden to provide custom behaviour.

                my $link = $self->make_edit_link(
                    title => "Home Page",
                    url   => "",

            This method will be passed a title and a url and should return
            an HTML snippet. For example, you can add a "title" attribute to
            the link like so:

              sub make_edit_link {
                  my ($self, %args) = @_;
                  my $title = $args{title};
                  my $url = $args{url};
                  return qq|[$title]<a href="$url" title="create">?</a>|;

                my $link = $self->make_internal_link(
                    title => "Home Page",
                    url   => "",

            This method will be passed a title and a url and should return
            an HTML snippet. For example, you can add a "class" attribute to
            the link like so:

              sub make_internal_link {
                  my ($self, %args) = @_;
                  my $title = $args{title};
                  my $url = $args{url};
                  return qq|<a href="$url" class="internal">$title</a>|;

                my $link = $self->make_external_link(
                    title => "London Perlmongers",
                    url   => "",

            This method will be passed a title and a url and should return
            an HTML snippet. For example, you can add a little icon after
            each external link like so:

              sub make_external_link {
                  my ($self, %args) = @_;
                  my $title = $args{title};
                  my $url = $args{url};
                  return qq|<a href="$url">$title</a> <img src="external.gif">|;

        Kake Pugh (

             Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Kake Pugh.  All Rights Reserved.

        This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the same terms as Perl itself.

        The OpenGuides London team (<>) sent
        some very helpful bug reports. A lot of the work of this module is
        done within chromatic's module, Text::WikiFormat.

        This doesn't yet support all of UseMod's formatting features and
        options, by any means. This really truly *is* a 0.* release. Please
        send bug reports, omissions, patches, and stuff, to me at

        UseModWiki "encodes" node names before making them part of a URL, so
        for example a node about Wombat Defenestration will have a URL like

        So if we want to emulate a UseModWiki exactly, we need to munge back
        and forth between node names as titles, and node names as CGI

          my $formatter = Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::UseMod->new( munge_urls => 1 );
          my $node_param = $q->param('id') || $q->param('keywords') || "";
          my $node_name = $formatter->node_param_to_node_name( $node_param );

          use URI::Escape;
          my $url = ""
            . uri_escape(
               $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( "Wombat Defenestration" )

        * Wiki::Toolkit
        * Text::WikiFormat
        * UseModWiki (<>)