Copyright (c) 1995 by David N. Smith.
All Rights Reserved.
Last-modified: 7 January 1996

Certain questions get asked time and again. In order to save the repeated answering of these questions, and to provide the best answers, collections of these 'frequently asked questions', and their answers, of course, are made and distributed to interested parties. Called FAQs, these documents often become the basic documentation on a topic and should be checked before posting a question to a related newsgroup.

This is a set of frequently asked questions for the Smalltalk language. There are two such FAQs; this one is by David N. Smith.

Please note that this is a DRAFT version of the FAQ. It is not complete and is not finished.

Format and Availability

A notice of the availability of this FAQ is posted on comp.lang.smalltalk from time to time.

The FAQ itself is available in several formats: In HTML for the WWW
Postscript, by section
Adobe Acrobat format, by section
(If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, fear not; it is free for the downloading.)

There is no text-only version; not providing one is somewhat unusual, but so is having a typeset FAQ. The fonts used are the ever-present Times and Courier, selected because every postscript printer known to man has them builtin. It is thus not necessary to distribute copies of the fonts in the postscript files.

If you have not already read the overall Usenet introductory material posted to "news.announce.newusers", please do. It is also available by ftp.

Notes about the HTML Version

The FAQ is written using FrameMaker. The HTML pages were converted using a simple converter that comes with FrameMaker Version 5. It, however, is far from perfect and even after some manual tweaking the pages have minor glitches. Also note that some hypertext links lead to files that are not yet released. You will get a message about a missing file.

If you intend to print the FAQ, get the Acrobat or PostScript versions; they contain a more accurate, and typographically more correct, version.

Craig Latta's Smalltalk FAQ

The other Smalltalk FAQ is by Craig Latta and is available via ftp in text format and in HTML format.

Updates and Corrections

If you have corrections or suggestions for this FAQ, send them to David N. Smith at [email protected] or [email protected].

Please include: your name, your email address; and your telephone number or snail-mail address. Submission of an update, correction, or additional topic grants permission to use the information in the FAQ and derivitive works if any. Acknowledgement of sources will be limited to the submitters name and email address, unless requested otherwise, and subject to the editors judgement.

Thank you.