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3.9.4 Changing permissions

        The command chmod is used to set the permissions on a file. Only the owner of a file may change the permissions on that file. The syntax of chmod is:

chmod {a,u,g,o}{+,-}{r,w,x}

Briefly, you supply one or more of all, user, group, or other. Then you specify whether you are adding rights (+) or taking them away (-). Finally, you specify one or more of read, write, and execute. Some examples of legal commands are:

chmod a+r stuff
Gives all users read access to the file.
chmod +r stuff
Same as above---if none of a, u, g, or o is specified, a is assumed.
chmod og-x stuff
Remove execute permission from users other than the owner.
chmod u+rwx stuff
Allow the owner of the file to read, write, and execute the file.
chmod o-rwx stuff
Remove read, write, and execute permission from users other than the owner and users in the file's group.


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Matt Welsh
[email protected]