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1.9.5 Internet mailing lists

    If you have access to Internet electronic mail, you can participate in a number of mailing lists even if you do not have USENET access. Note that if you are not directly on the Internet, you can join one of these mailing lists as long as you are able to exchange electronic mail with the Internet (for example, UUCP, FidoNET, CompuServe, and other networks all have access to Internet mail).

    The ``Linux Activists'' mailing list is primarily for Linux developers and people interested in aiding the development process. This is a ``multi-channel'' mailing list, in which you join one or more ``channels'' based on your particular interests. Some of the available channels include: NORMAL, for general Linux-related issues; KERNEL, for kernel development; GCC, for discussions relating to the gcc compiler and library development; NET, for discussions about the TCP/IP networking code; DOC, for issues relating to writing and distributing Linux documentation; and more.

For more information about the Linux Activists mailing list, send mail to

[email protected]

You will receive a list of currently available channels, including information on how to subscribe and unsubscribe to particular channels on the list.

Quite a few special-purpose mailing lists about and for Linux exist as well. The best way to find out about these is to watch the Linux USENET newsgroups for announcements, as well as to read the list of publicly-available mailing lists, periodically posted to the USENET group news.answers.

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Matt Welsh
[email protected]