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Next: Preparing for floppy Up: Installation methods Previous: Creating the boot Preparing for installation from hard drive

If you're planning on installing the Slackware software directly from the hard drive (which is often faster and more reliable than a floppy installation), you will need an MS-DOS partition on the system that you're installing Slackware to.

Note: If you plan to install Slackware from an MS-DOS partition, that partition must NOT be compressed with DoubleSpace, Stacker, or any other MS-DOS drive compression utility. Linux currently cannot read DoubleSpace/Stacker MS-DOS partitions directly. (You can access them via the MS-DOS Emulator, but that is not an option when installing the Linux software.)

To prepare for hard drive installation, simply create a directory on the hard drive to store the Slackware files. For example,


will create the directory C:\SLACKWAR to hold the Slackware files. Under this directory, you should create subdirectories A1, A2, and so on, for each disk set that you downloaded, using the MKDIR command. All of the files from the A1 disk should go into the directory SLACKWAR\A1, and so forth.

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Matt Welsh
[email protected]