Release 1.3 for Linux (Kernel Version 1.2.12)
24. November 1995
+ NTSC bug fixed
+ New module with version information.
+ The module now loads in 1.x.x kernels.

Release 1.2 for Linux (Kernel Version 1.1.62)
1. August 1995
+ Added tuner support.

Release 1.1 for Linux (Kernel Version 1.1.62)
10. Oktober 1994
+ Fixed bug in read image that causes a 64 byte offset
+ Fixed problems with some systems I/O port access. 

This package contains a C-API for the FAST Screen Machine II live video overlay boards.

  ../afc_tables/    tables for tv-tuner option
  ../bin/           compiled example and tiff lib
  ../doc/           online documentation
  ../Driver/        the Screen Machine II driver
  ../Examples/      source example
  ../include/       .h files
  ../lib/           library

We assume that you got a floppy disk or the files from ftp decompressed.

Floppy Disk/ftp archive (may be you have to become root)
 - mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0H1440 /mnt
   Now you will find a /mnt directory with the above described structure.
 - Copy the contents of the floppy/ftp archive into the appropriate
   directories on your system.
 - Load the driver:                  insmod Driver/smii_module
   Hint: You can add this line to your rc.local script 
 - To remove driver:                 rmmod smii_module
 - To check if driver is present:    lsmod
 - Make a device entry 				 mknod /dev/smii c 40 0
   Note: You have to use the same major number as used in the module. (Take a look in Space.c)
 - use ranlib on the library
 - Test it with smp

If you need to change the major number refer to the REDAME in
the Driver directory. If you need the driver for a different
kernel version than 1.1.62 refer to the README in the Driver

NOTE:  This is a free version of the commercial Screen Machine II API.
       But that does not mean that we post the source:  NO SOURCE !!!

       We also can't replay on each single e-mail, please post to the
	   Linux news groups. May be we will post an answer there, but we
	   won't give specific support for the free release.

Please refer to the supplied documents for copyright and license agreement.

interpersonal-computing GmbH
NeXT Center Muenchen          Tel.: ++49 (0)89 22 33 75
Oettingenstrasse 2            Fax.: ++49 (0)89 22 33 76
80538 Muenchen/GERMANY        e-Mail: