Familiar v0.7.1 is now available. See the release notes.
Please enter bugs in v0.7.1 into Handhelds.org Bugzilla. Here is a handy link for creating a Familiar v0.7.1 bug report if you have trouble deciphering which component to submit a bug report against.
To get more information on the Familiar distribution, and the Familiar project in general, see the Familiar [project page].
See the installation guide.
src base http://familiar.handhelds.org/releases/v0.7/base/armv4lwith this line:
src base http://familiar.handhelds.org/releases/v0.7.1/base/armv4lIf you have GPE installed, make a similar change in /etc/ipkg/gpe.conf. If you have OPIE installed, make a similar change in /etc/ipkg/opie.conf. After that, execute the following command:
ipkg update; ipkg upgrade
Locations other than handhelds.org for downloading Familiar's components: