This is the home page for my re-write of some of the utilities found in the GNU file-utils and sh-utils packages for use with elks.
A rewrite of part of the
sh-utils package which currently includes basename, dirname, false, logname,
pwd, true, uname, whoami and yes.
A rewrite of part of the
file-utils package which currently includes mkdir, mkfifo, mknod, rmdir
and sync. Oversimple but usable versions of rm and mv are also included.
Here are some other things I have collected in my searches around the net which may be useful to the project.
Tiny-TCP, a public domain source code implemtation of TCP/IP, currently for ROM based 68000 systems. Very very small indeed, could perhaps be useful? Here is the README file.
Here is a version ported to the 8086 by R. Rodman. Changes made by him are (L)GPL, but the origonal license is still binding.
And here is a version released under the terms of the GPL.
ROMfs, a very small read-only fs with tools to generate images for the Linux 2 kernel. Could be useful for ROM based system. Here is the lsm entry.
86-68, a converter that translates from 8086 assembler to 68000. Might this be useful for the 68k port that everyone seems to be talking about?
term.c, a terminal program contributed by Robert de Bath.