DOS installation proggy (was: Re: muLinux is THE PERFECT Linux distribution for the new user)

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jan 20 1999 - 09:04:39 CET

On Jan 19, 1999 at 21:14:51 Michele Andreoli wrote:
> Viceversa, la proposta di Karl-Heinz va adottata subita: un kernellone
> da 700-800 K con tutti i supporti SCSI per poter installare dal DOS
> su qualunque dispositivo. Questo lo posso fare. Ma il DOSTOOLS.tgz
> fino ed oltre quella dimensione.

What about another approach: perhaps it would be more suitable for a
pure DOS-installation
to have a little DOS program that could do the job of the mu install

Maybe i am wrong(?) but at my opinion a small tool of about 30 KB
(e.g. written by me in good old Turbo Pascal 4.0) could do the same
job for us as the huge linux install kernel of about 300 KB?

What do you think about this idea? Please comment extensively!


Karl-Heinz Zimmer    *    Hamburg    *    Germany
C++ is fine and mighty but Pascal is the language i love! 

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