[mu OT] Qt Free Edition to go Open Source

From: sime1brt ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 12:53:46 CET

        Scusate, ma mi è sembrata una cosa davvero interessante per tutta la
"Comunità Linux"...
        Excuse me, but i think this is an important announce for all "Linux

>To: [email protected]
>From: net diver <[email protected]>
>Subject: Qt Free Edition to go Open Source
>Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 10:54:25 +0100
>Sender: [email protected]
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>Announcement: Open Source
>Troll Tech AS today announced that the Free Edition of Qt, its popular
>Graphical User Interface toolkit, will be released under
>an Open Source license. With the new license, programmers will be able to
>distribute and share any modifications they make to
>the Qt Free Edition. The lack of such permission in the previous Free
>Edition license has been the source of some dispute in
>parts of the Linux community since KDE, the widely used Linux desktop
>environment, is based on Qt Free Edition.
>In early 1996, Troll Tech released the first Free Edition of its GUI
>toolkit, with full source code included, gratis to programmers
>of Open Source software. Earlier this year, Troll Tech initiated the KDE
>Free Qt Foundation to legally guarantee the continued
>availability of Free Editions of all new versions of Qt. Now, with this new
>license offering, Troll Tech is affirming its intention for
>Qt Free Edition to be a non-controversial option for development of Open
>Source software, and the best in its class as a
>application development framework.
>"I am very pleased that we have been able to overcome the final obstacles
>to releasing the Qt Free Edition under an
>Open Source license" said Eirik Eng, Co-President of Troll Tech. "The Open
>Source development model is showing
>sustained success, particularly in the Linux area."
>A draft version of the new license text, dubbed the QPL, is available at
>http://www.troll.no/qpl/. It will be first applied to the
>next major release of the Qt Free Edition; version 2.0.
>"After reviewing the QPL, I find that it meets all the criteria to be
>considered Open Source," said Eric Raymond, author
>of The Cathedral and the Bazaar paper and joint copyright holder of the
>Open Source trademark. "This license should allow
>Open Source software to compete on features and polish rather than
>ideological position, which will be better for the
>Open Source community."
>Linus Torvalds, father of Linux, is happy with the new license, saying, "I
>am delighted to see that the Trolls have found a
>license that suits both them and the free software community. I hope this
>finally stops the divisive license flaming that
>has been going on, so that we can all get on with writing code."
>"Caldera Systems is very excited about Troll Tech's decision to publish Qt
>under an Open Source license," said Ransom
>Love, President and CEO of Caldera Systems. "Customer response and feedback
>to the KDE desktop environment
>included in our OpenLinux 1.3 release has been overwhelming. Offering Qt
>under an Open Source license will allow
>KDE to stand on its technical merits without causing undue concerns to the
>development community over licensing
>"SuSE congratulates Troll Tech for their wise decision to put Qt under an
>Open Source License. SuSE thinks that this
>step will (hopefully) unite the Linux community again," said Burchard
>Steinbild, Managing Director of S.u.S.E. GmbH.
>"SuSE wishes Troll Tech much success with their products and hopes their
>reputation in the Linux community rises
>after this move, they have deserved it."
>Troll Tech continues full support for the Qt Professional Edition, for
>companies and developers not choosing the Open Source
>model. Software written for either of the official versions will remain
>completely compatible.
>Troll Tech AS is a computer software company, and has since 1994 delivered
>high-quality and powerful multi-platform C++
>software libraries for graphical user interface development. Its flagship
>product Qt is currently used as the basis for a wide
>range of successful commercial and Open Source applications world wide.
>Troll Tech is located in Oslo, Norway. Further
>information is available at http://www.troll.no, or by contacting
>[email protected].
>Net Diver
>Remailer Administrator
>Isole Nella Rete


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