Re: new one

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Jan 29 1999 - 21:26:37 CET

On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 05:21:19AM +0100, iList wrote:
> hi,
> I've dloaded before a day muLinux. COOL :")
> It will be good to be added support for multiply POP3 mail accounts
> (fetchmail).

You can save your config (setup -s) with another name, and reload (setup -r)
when you change accounts.

> If I have time these days I will play a little with WWW server, we be cool
> to add shell generation of the whole or part of HTML page, also POST and

Eh? A contributor? Oh thanks! Do you want add to PYGMY some feature, like
/cgi-bin/ etc?

> I'm new to the list.
> I've read some leters, what I've read ??

in what language, please :))) ?

> will it be possible to change lynx
> with something smaller, and will be stuuffs based on the it still working
> (nc emulation at laest :"))
> =====

I wrote rpost with a script, and work well. We can develop easly a
news-reader, redefining "less-key", like Quark, Rna, etc.

But ftp not work with simple "nc-based" scripts: FTP need of two sockets in
parallel: command and data. Ok, but removing lynx (450k!) we can add
the small "ftp" binary, coming with most distribution, or develop a "wget"
for download via the URL ftp://.

With 450k we can add to muLinux many, many new command, modules, etc.!


Mi sarebbe piaciuto concludere con un'affermazione positiva, ma
non me ne vengono in mente. Vanno bene due negative?
						-- Woody Allen

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