[mu OT] it never rains in Florida... (was: Re: Web site hosting offer)

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Wed Apr 28 1999 - 09:05:01 CEST

Am 28.04.1999, 06:29:33, schrieb Brett G. Castleberry:

> I am sitting here in Florida laughing. By the way, Herr Zimmer,
> I have seen Hamburg ( I have relatives there). Sunny Hamburg?
> Also very funny! But a great city nonetheless.

Heretic, will you please stop laughing NOW ! ;-)

Really: in Hamburg it often rains but normally the rain doesn't last
very long and after a short time (quarter or half an hour) the sun
will come back!

The great advantage of Hamburg (whe it comes to talk about climate) is
the existence of TWO seas very near of the town: the North Sea is less
than 100 km away and the Eastern Sea aprox. 60 km. So we always have
fresh air, quickly changing wind conditions and seldom a long rain.

( Ok, it MIGHT be that in Florida the climate is even better. )



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