Re: [mu PROGRESS] muLinux site, laptop and other

From: John Theo ([email protected])
Date: Mon May 03 1999 - 23:32:14 CEST

At 16.14 03/05/99 +0000, you wrote:
>I would like to continue calling the little muLinux an "italian project",
>anche se ci credono solo gli stranieri.

        Come sarebbe a dire 8)

>The only problem was during the preliminar phase is been shrinking the
>only existing partition. This notebook comes with WIN98 preinstalled :(
>and a recovery CD. When you try to reinstall from recovery CD, after
>fdisk-ing with muLinux, the nice recovery.exe erase any data, removing
>other partitions and other OS. Very nice, Microsoft!

        Dovresti vedere cosa fa all'Os2 anche senza CD di recovery

>The audio card requires OPL3: I have to recompile the kernel for this,
>and for APM and PCMCIA support. The bad news: pc-speaker module dont'
>work on Extensa. Why?
        Che sia "emulato" dalla SB

> USB ?

        Sapevo che era sperimentale anche nel 2.3.x, o no?


        Hi KHZ, sorry for italian only version, i'm too tired for my horrible translation 8)

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