From: sime1brt ([email protected])
Date: Sat May 15 1999 - 11:59:52 CEST
At 20.10 14/05/99 +0000, you wrote:
>Startin the VNC-server on my muLinux machine, I was able to see
>XWindow on my NT/Win98 PC, "a latere".
Excuse my ignorancy (?), but if i understood good this means that i don't
need SAMBA or somoething like that to access linux boxes? I can run XWindow
on my win machine and i can modify files on Linux box, is this true?!?!
>[...] ho perso il gusto di fare paragoni con "MS Win*": è
>come sparare sulla croce rossa... [...]
Come sparare al camion della nettezza urbana, vuoi dire.
(Michele Andreoli)
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