Re: New way to install.. was Re: another mod...

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 14:34:14 CET

On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 10:38:52AM +0000, Angel Martín Alganza nicely wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Michele Andreoli wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 05:41:58PM +0100, Gerrit Lammert nicely wrote:
> > > I perfectly understand your point (that is I think so), but there ARE some
> > > advantages (More space on 1st Disk, independece of versions, so you can use
> > > an old base with a new addon...).
> >
> > Trasferring all the "intelligence", from the base floppy, on the
> > various addons. Isn't true?
> > MuLinux is *as is* (i.e. 'resource based', not 'addon based') primarily
> > for historic raisons: the 'addon' concept was born after the
> > 'resource' concept, so I implemented the addon as simple resource.
> If I understand the point right, you are discusing whether or not moving
> documentation relative to add-ons to each add-on would be a good idea. I
> also understand Michele point, which I think it is important.

Documentation? No. The problem is to move any .fun script depending
from a single addon, IN the addon itself. Example:,
etc moved in the SRV addon, because Smail and Smbd are here.

This is "conceptually" acceptable, but from the (single) developer point
of view a considerable font of scattering problems.

> But, how about a hybrid solution? What I'm thinking about is
> removing from the BASE floppy all docs about add-ons and put them on a
> documentation floppy, which could hold lots and lots of information
> loadable during the first boot and as an option during next boots. In such
> a way, we could have the space at the BASE while still being able to
> access to the documentation for each add-on whithout needing to load them
> all.

I hope this is the last times I have to repeat that: all code relative
to addon in the BASE floppy is contained in the file /setup/fun/
and I remove it I will gain only 2-3k. Thank you.

> Mmmhhhh... info pages could even not be loaded to RAM, but kept on
> the floppy, which should be inserted into the floppy drive whenever is
> needed to access the info.



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